Most Aggressive Overall?

I looked at a few freddys in a couple of different stores but there was something putting me off but I'm not quite sure what it was. I decided to get a Blue Thai Silk Flowerhorn after :) he/she is only 1.5 - 2 inches in length at the moment and seems to be doing great :good:

I will get a few pics up when he/she gets a little bigger. No real shape on it yet but is feeding well and exploring the tank :)
Lol... i was meant to order some smallish south am cichlids at one of the plaes i worked about 4 years ago and no one would help me, i had all these cichlidnames that werent correct, werent in the books i had and i didnt have the internet. I got sick of asking for help so just picked out a few names i liked LOL

Most were ok, got some lovely Chocolate Cichlids and Salvinis and a few other lovelies... the 8 x 15cm Freddies, most male... was somewhat horrifying!! The fish are thugs! Most of them killed ach other down to 4 and we managed to clear four sump tanks to have one in each tank. They killed everything they could get teeth into, including massive common plecs!

Nver seen such stunning fish when they were all coloured up!
I know! Cant go wrong with freddys!! :lol: I thought it was hilarious, they came in and we nearly all died of shock and a week later, i handed in my noticeand left them with 4 big bruisers sitting happily in the sumps munching anything that got near :lol: :good:
Haha mini dovii, as they are considered by many to be, were in the list but decided against them. I do love preditory fish but everyone has a limit and I try not to exceed mine lol

I been told by many people from local stores that freddys are just pure evil and you have just backed it up with your experience of them lol. They have however got 4 freddys in a holding tank with another species of cichlid in my local MA, not sure which species they are. I know they not dovii, jag or anything like that. It's one I'm not familiar with but they seem to be fine together. Maybe it's because they are all small at the mo??

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