

Fish Guru
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May 8, 2019
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Lawrenceburg, KY
What more can I add to my 29g tank?

Here is the current stock: 8 neon tetras, 1 albino BNP, 1 Nerite snail, lots of BRH and MTS snails, and lots a cherry shrimp.

I’m looking for more stock that I can. I’m going to get 8 rummy nose tetras soon. What else can I add to my tank? Maybe some sort of center piece fish? (I can’t do Cory cats, those are way to expensive)

This is what it says as far as my GH/KH, on my water providers website: 159 mg/L or 9.3 grains of calcium carbonate per gallon.

Thanks in advance! :)
I just posted in your thread on rummynose tetra, so won't repeat that, except to say I would not consider this tank long enough for this active a swimming tetra.

Neons are mid-lower level fish, so ideally something that remains in the upper level would be good.
I just posted in your thread on rummynose tetra, so won't repeat that, except to say I would not consider this tank long enough for this active a swimming tetra.

Neons are mid-lower level fish, so ideally something that remains in the upper level would be good.
What are some fish that would work for me? I’m clueless on what works and what doesn’t. :S
What are some fish that would work for me? I’m clueless on what works and what doesn’t. :S

The GH is 159 ppm, or 8 dGH, so that is moderately soft and gives you good options. What is the temperature? Neons are best in the mid 70's F, say 75-77F but no higher. We can work around those parameters. The pH in the 7's if fine.

With just the neons, you have no real restrictions in terms of fish size, so small "nano" type fish like Ember Tetras will be OK. Hatchetfish, but only the species in Carnegiella which are smaller and less active. Some of the pencilfish. I would get cories for the substrate. A Whiptail Catfish if it is the smaller common Whiptail (Rineloricaria parva). Rasbora maybe, the Harlequin, or either of the two closely-related species in Trigonstigma.

I've no idea what any of these cost where you are.
I keep it at 77F.

What about silver tip tetras? Would they work?

Just answered this in the rummynose thread...A lively and peaceful shoaling fish that must be kept in groups of at least six but preferably more. Needs room to swim, and prefers a slight current comparable to its habitat streams, so longer tanks are preferable.

If you continue this topic, would be best to do so in one thread only, so you get a better co-ordinated response and it saves us repeating. ;)
Ok, let’s just use this thread from now on. (Not the other one) :)
I keep it at 77F.

What about silver tip tetras? Would they work?
Silver tip tetras tend to be more nippy then similar shaped tetras.
In my experience neons do well with glo lights tetra,black neons, von rio flame tetra, rummy nose, they also can be kept with penguin and emperor tetra and harlequin rasbora and dwarf pencil fish.
Avoid fast swimmers like blue tetra and blood fin tetra and bigger nippy tetras like skirts, serpaes ,columbians, phantoms ect.never tried lemon tetras with neons but they might be ok.
I really like the look of emperor tetras...

Saw them at my LFS a few weeks ago. :)
I really like the look of emperor tetras...

Saw them at my LFS a few weeks ago. :)

This is another tetyra that needs more space. Emperors are quite active swimmers, and the tank should be at least 3 feet (90cm), but 4-feet (120 cm) is preferable. I had them in a 5-foot and 4-foot tank and they were all over the place. In smaller tanks I would worry not only about the swimming space, but the effect this has on the fish's behaviours. Small spaces (to the fish) often increases aggression.
Why do fish need so much space? I already got a pretty big tank. (29 gallons)

What peaceful, active fish can I have in my 29g tank along with my neons?
I have Glowlight tetras, cherry barbs, guppy, neons, ...
Why not some honey gourami as a centerpiece? Theyre pretty docile, keep in a group of 1 male to 2 females and should stay relatively peaceful.

Could do a single dwarf gourami, but be wary of DGD with them. You may get lucky with a healthy one, you may not.

Kuhli loaches OR corydoras... bronze are pretty cheap.
I would love to get Kuhlii Loaches... but I can’t find a place that sells them.

Cory cats are super expensive were I live.

I don’t want a DG because of DGD.

I would love to get a honey Gourmi! Could I just do 1 male? Or would I need more?

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