You dont need to go in all guns blazing and despense with a load of hard earned wonga.
Take things slow. patience, you dont need all the fancy kit in the world. and dont get caught up in the hype.
Back to the skimmer, you can easily adopt one with a little bit of DIY so as it attaches to the back of the hood.
the pump will have to be in the tank so you will have to disguise it in come fashion, but remember you will need to access it for cleaning.
A little ingenunity is called for to adapt things to your situation.
Seriously to be brutally honest. Have your main tank drilled. It would solve all your problems.... honestly. Ask Skifletch about mine. I was trying to employ a sump using all the methods under the sun without having the tank drilled. Then I had to bite the bullet and just go fo it.
The actuall drilling is easy and you'll be left wondering what all the fuss was about. (There are special diamond bits for the purpose) If you dont feel confidant about doing it yourself then get someone in who is.
This would leave you open to any number of upgrades down the line.
I say this as the thread is just going to wrangle on and on and you'll be left having to compromise after compromise with all the equipment, where as if you take the bold step now then you can just progress at your own pace knowing that the major job is behind you.
It may sound like a step too far for you at the minute but believe me I've been there and there is just simply no other or better way of progressing
Take things slow. patience, you dont need all the fancy kit in the world. and dont get caught up in the hype.
Back to the skimmer, you can easily adopt one with a little bit of DIY so as it attaches to the back of the hood.
the pump will have to be in the tank so you will have to disguise it in come fashion, but remember you will need to access it for cleaning.
A little ingenunity is called for to adapt things to your situation.
Seriously to be brutally honest. Have your main tank drilled. It would solve all your problems.... honestly. Ask Skifletch about mine. I was trying to employ a sump using all the methods under the sun without having the tank drilled. Then I had to bite the bullet and just go fo it.
The actuall drilling is easy and you'll be left wondering what all the fuss was about. (There are special diamond bits for the purpose) If you dont feel confidant about doing it yourself then get someone in who is.
This would leave you open to any number of upgrades down the line.
I say this as the thread is just going to wrangle on and on and you'll be left having to compromise after compromise with all the equipment, where as if you take the bold step now then you can just progress at your own pace knowing that the major job is behind you.
It may sound like a step too far for you at the minute but believe me I've been there and there is just simply no other or better way of progressing