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great stuff cheers. that page didnt load properly tho but does this sound like a good ro unit ?

The Deluxe Barracuda series now incorporates a high efficiency 1 micron sediment filter, a 2 micron chlorine guzzler carbon block filter and a high flow/ high rejection TFC membrane.Efficient pre-filtration in the Barracuda system greatly enhances the membrane life. The final stage is a color changing high efficiency DI cartridge. The Barracuda also comes with filter-wrenches for easy cartridge replacement and a hose bib connection as standard. Other options are available for easy connection to the water supply (see attachements for details). All systems include a 160 PSI pressure gauge with operating and unsafe ranges displayed, shut off valve and solid mounting bracket. This model is fitted with a 50 gallon per day membrane.
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Here's my RO unit
The Deluxe Barracuda series now incorporates a high efficiency 1 micron sediment filter, a 2 micron chlorine guzzler carbon block filter and a high flow/ high rejection TFC membrane.Efficient pre-filtration in the Barracuda system greatly enhances the membrane life. The final stage is a color changing high efficiency DI cartridge. The Barracuda also comes with filter-wrenches for easy cartridge replacement and a hose bib connection as standard. Other options are available for easy connection to the water supply (see attachements for details). All systems include a 160 PSI pressure gauge with operating and unsafe ranges displayed, shut off valve and solid mounting bracket. This model is fitted with a 50 gallon per day membrane.
Sound good to me

yep worked that time cheers. ok so now ro is cleared up hopefully you can help me to understand skimmers a bit better. as im not using a sump and i dont want hang-on type. what the hell do i do? :crazy:
would an internal work out cheaper? how big would it be in the tank?
Prices vary from one mfg to another but they can be pretty obtrusive pieces of kit.

LOL, forgive me when I mean Hang on it dont mean literally to hang on, it can be placed beside the tank but the pump will have to be in the tank.
The pump, pumps water to the skimmer and the return pipe returns the water to the tank.
Either way theres gonna be some equipment in the tank.
I would make a false wall at the rear of your tank which is drilled and fitted with grilles so as water can get in . In this back compartment you can hide all manner of equipment such as heaters skimmers etc. But only of you have a big enough tank.
so a hang-on skimmer could be hidden away in my cabinet and fed via a pump in the tank?
No Mark,
Because the return water is not forced out under pressue therefore it has no means of getting back up from the cupboard to the tank head.
You would probably have to get your DIY hat on and construct a shelf behind the aquarium.
Some pics of your existing setup would give us a better understanding of what we have to work with, pics of the hood/canopy, sides and round the back of the tank also would be helpful.
You seam to be in good hands with BigC, but I'm gonna chip in my thoughts on UV...

UV remadies the symptom, not the caurse. UV kills of any non-viral parasites that pass through the unit, reducing the levels of pathogens in the water and hence reducing infection rates. It cannot prevent infection entirely, but it will go a long way to reduce it. Sounds like a great idea doesn't it, so why do I say it treats the symptom, not the caurse? Well, a fish will only become infected if something has weakened it's immune system (remember that most of our stock is wild caught), and the main caurse of this is stress. If your fish are going down ill regularly, something is stressing them. Remove the stress and the disease will vanish, probibly never to return. Treat with UV and the symptoms will go, leaving a stressed fish behind :/ UV has it's uses, in LFS's where stock turn-over is high and stress impossible to illiminate and in QT to prevent infection on the new fish for the first few weeks while they settle down, but it has no place in a normal aquarium IMO. If you need to run it, you are missing something stressing your fish within the main tank. If you don't need it, you are wasting cash quite simply.

All the best
ok so better of investing time making sure the fish are perfectly kept rather than money on a uv.
this is how my tank/cabinet are laid out.




i may be willing to do what rabbut suggested in my other thread and go hoodless with an over-tank luminair but ideally id like to keep my hood
do overtank luminaires clip to the rim of the tank or can you get them that can sit on a flat surface? looking at my hood i can modify it whereby i can remove the top of it and still have it sitting round the top of the tank like a kind of trim therefore having best of both worlds
do overtank luminaires clip to the rim of the tank or can you get them that can sit on a flat surface? looking at my hood i can modify it whereby i can remove the top of it and still have it sitting round the top of the tank like a kind of trim therefore having best of both worlds
they sit on the glass. are you still going metal halide? beause most of them hang from the ceiling or are resting on the tank
this is geting real frustrating now. im desperate to go for it the only thing stopping me is not having the £1000 or so i need lol .

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