More Marine Setup Questions


comfortably numb
May 23, 2008
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1 protein skimmers are they plumbed in as part of the filtration or do they run as an independant system in their own right?
2 stupid question this 1 but with an ro unit does that mean i wouldnt have to buy dechlorinator?
3 corals i assume they need feeding supplements as freshwater plants do
4 do you still "gravel vac" the substrate as in a fw tank
5 with ro water and protein skimmer is uv worth the money?
6 would i still use an airpump like in my fw tank?

and about a million other questions im bound to think of over the next few weeks to test all your patience :lol:
1 protein skimmers are they plumbed in as part of the filtration or do they run as an independant system in their own right? they can be run in the sump so its kind of inline filtration, or you can have them stand alone in the tank
2 stupid question this 1 but with an ro unit does that mean i wouldnt have to buy dechlorinator? no
3 corals i assume they need feeding supplements as freshwater plants do softies will appreciate a little marine snow, some LPS need direct feedings, it depends on the coral tbh
4 do you still "gravel vac" the substrate as in a fw tank you can do but with the flow , there wont be any detritus settling
5 with ro water and protein skimmer is uv worth the money? depends on species of fish kept as some are very susceptible to certain illnesses
6 would i still use an airpump like in my fw tank? no

and about a million other questions im bound to think of over the next few weeks to test all your patience :lol:
ok as im not using a sump ( big external full of live rock rubble) the skimmer will have to run as an independant system to start off with the corals will be easy softies
1 protein skimmers are they plumbed in as part of the filtration or do they run as an independant system in their own right? Seeing as your not going with a sump then you would be looking at a hang on type of skimmer but bear in mind you will have the pump for it in the main tank.
2 stupid question this 1 but with an ro unit does that mean i wouldnt have to buy dechlorinator? Dont need Dechlorinator, I would suggest that if your buying your own RO unit then purchase one with a DI pod or purchase a seperate pod to bolt on to your unit.
3 corals i assume they need feeding supplements as freshwater plants do If your going with softies then more often than not they are Photosynthetic and need only light in order for them to flourish and grow.
4 do you still "gravel vac" the substrate as in a fw tank Nah dont need to, your CUC will take care of that.
5 with ro water and protein skimmer is uv worth the money? This is a matter of choice. I'm not running a UV at the moment but I'm going to deploy one in the near future.
6 would i still use an airpump like in my fw tank? Only to attach to certain skimmers air intakes to make them more efficient

and about a million other questions im bound to think of over the next few weeks to test all your patience laugh.gif
Thats what we're here for LOL

Live rock rubble will need to be illuminated if its to remain alive.. I would ditch that idea and use your external for Phosphate remover such as Rowaphos.
cheers bigc you just saved me some money :good: only reasons i dont want to use a sump are 1 i dont want to drill my tank and 2 the cupboard space in my cabinet is 1 at each end dimensions 17 inches wide 22 inches front to back and 25 inches high. im guessing that wouldnt house a sump big enough for my tank ? 100 ( uk gallon ) im not willing to drill my tank or modify my cabinet in any way so id have to work around it
have you considered a hang on fuge mark? you can use them for culturing pods and storing cheato etc so a benficial and natural nitrate and phosphate remover

hmm this is going to be tricky that in theory is a great idea but wouldnt work with my hood , is it not possible to use the flow/return pipework of an external and modify it to plumb it into a sum instead of the external? also more importatly what size sump would i need for my tank?

as for the hang-on fuge god knows what it is but the idea of something hanging on the side of my tank is bot unapealing and impractical. cheers tho
The only safe ways to get water to a sump and return is drill the main tank or an overflow box.
Please do not try to use syphons as this will end in disaster. I tried it and it dont work.
I would just go with what you have for now, Forget about the sump for now. DI pod for your RO unit will bring the TDS of your RO water to Zero and get rid of phosphate at source.
Use Rowaphos in your External.
For flow I would purchase an Eheim 1260 external pump ( on a closed loop with a SCWD attached.
This will alternate your flow patterns.
and 2X;products_id=71

And take things from there.
ok sump forgotton ( phew! lol ) rowaphos in the external it is . when you say about using the eheim pump for flow would i be right in thinking you mean to do the job of the powerheads?

every question answered seems to create another question lol
Exactly, I think it would work better in your case.

every question answered seems to create another question lol
Oh dont worry about that, I still ask questions, infact you'll never be done asking questions on this side of the hobby. lol
Dont get too hung up on a certain problem it will seem daunting to begin with but take things slowly and you'll get there.
yep lol it sure does seem daunting but i think thats half the appeal. this will be done slowly as work is thin on the ground so the equipment will be accumulated bit by bit . im liking the idea of the eheim pump ( id have everything eheim if i could ) with the scwd and the 2 little nozzles. much less obstrusive in the tank than a couple of powerheads.
whats a di unit for the ro? also with skimmers should i be looking for a certain ammount of turnover or is it a different principle to filtration?
Heh, amen to that BigC. The day you stop asking questions is the day you stop having a marine tank :lol:

I am gonna chime in here on one thing though, gravel vaccing. I still do it cause man does detritus still accumulate over the months. I don't do it often, only quarterly when I do my waterchanges, but I do and MAN does it pull out a lot of gunk.
whats a di unit for the ro?
De-ionising unit, utilises a resin which will get rid of the last remaing nasties from your mains supply, its fitted after the waters been through the RO unit.
Now you can buy your RO unit with a DI unit attached or if like me added one later.

also with skimmers should i be looking for a certain ammount of turnover or is it a different principle to filtration?
You'll buy a skimmer to suit your aquarium volume, I like to overskim so I have a much larger model straped to my sump.



Note my external Eheim pump in second pic

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