That filter looks better than you described - it moves the surface water and is a good size, is it filled with sponge now?
The plants will help with the water quality as they grow but are not going to have any great impact yet. I always recommend adding floating plants.
Daily water changes suggest the tank is not cycled yet so don’t add any fish until it is stable.
When cycled, one large weekly change should suffice.
I have a tank this size and now stock it roughly as we discussed but have had more fish at some stages. You could fill it more if you desire. I like bigger shoals so maybe 12-16 of the leopard danios then 12-16 of the second shoal? Or I have had 20 rummynose when my other shoal (praecox rainbow at that time) were dying out.
But I do recommend sticking to a aquadvisor stocking of 75% maximum. Crowded tanks easily spread disease and a heavily stocked tank is unforgiving if you need to miss a water change or two (maybe due to illness or injury, or huge responsibilities at work or as a caregiver for example).
I’m tagging
@MattW as I think he has the Asian rummynose; and
@CassCats who has the blue emperors that you are interested in.