more fish pics


Fish Fanatic
Mar 30, 2004
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Sunderland UK
pic 1
serrasalmus rhombeus this fish was 5''


pic 2
another rhom this is one i rescued as you can see it was very emaciated but i brought it round and did fine for a few months until the person who bought it killed it somehow. i now have the skull.


pic 3
the last of my serrasalmus collection my purple diamond (common name) serrasalmus spilopleura


next will be my pygocentrus specie
Those are really cool,
Do they go crazy when they smell blood???
now for my pygos

pic 1
this is an old picture of some red belly's i had pygocentrus nattereri they were 8'' +


pic 2
this fish was my pride and joy i had it shipped over from the USA.
it is a pygocentrus piraya 6'' and only found in 1 river in brazil the rio sao francisco which is where a lot of wild discus come from.


pic 3 my pygocentrus cariba these fish were also shipped from the US these were 7''


pic 4
this is a pic of my shoal it is 1 piraya 2 cariba and 2 nattereri and they are shoaling nicely


Cool my fish looks just like that mine are red bellies. Those fish are so cool I dont think they go crazy at the sign of blood mine goes crazy over bologna. And that is the truth.
DiXon - these are very nice pictures. Maybe you could describe how they were shipped - It would help me to understand how I can possibly get fish up here that no lfs will carry.

do a search on them and you will find out how to get them shipped to your door the next day most of the time. I sure love mine they are sweet hearts.
Nice Fish :D , I was thinking of having my piranha tank too. Would they rip apart a live fish if you let strave for a couple of days????
I think they would have to be starving. My dont even bother feeder guppies it has been tried without me knowing. My son throwed three of my feeder guppies in thier with those fish and I want you to know they stayed in the tank with them for three days and wasnt bothered.
to answer all the questions

fish keeper sharks and mollies - the pygocentrus specie which includes red belly's all look pretty much the same but do have some slight external and some internal differences.
i have always had red belly p's until a month or so ago they are nice looking fish.

jams.alaskan - the fish when ordered are packed in a poly box in bags. my p's were put into see through plactic boxes which are completely perforated to alow the water to flow through them, they are then placed into a decent sized bag with plenty water and then oxygen is added to the bag before it is sealed.
the bags are packed in the poly box with heat packs capable of lasting for @ 24 hours.
if the box is for a single fish then other bags full of water only are placed in the box to keep the fish bag secure.
the poly box comes in a cardboard box.
my piranha travelled for over 30 hours to get to my house and only took 1 hr to acclimatize using the drip feed method with waterf rom my tank into the box or bucket with the fish and bag water.

G_Sharky - yes they probably would even without letting them starve the fish i had were all wild fish except one but i dont feed my fish piranha or otherwise feeders always prepared foods. when i first got piranha it was for the reputation but i was young,the majority of my piranha after initial purchase were bought the beauty of the fish not the reputation as that soon dissapears after owning them.

fish keeper sharks and mollies - some piranha dont eat other fish straight away but will eventually it does depend if they are hungry or not.
they are not the cold blooded killers people make them out to be

Beautifull fish you got there!
So if i understand well, you dont feed them with live fish?
LimpingFish said:
Beautifull fish you got there!
So if i understand good, you dont feed them with live fish?
no i only feed my fish fish based foods.
Well, i must say i'm impressed, you are the first piranha keeper that i've heard of that does not feed them with live fish (which is just evil and sadistic)
Well done, and goodluck with the fishies

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