More Eggs


At that size I don't even try using a net. I get a length of air hose, stick one end in my mouth and the suck up the fry with the other end (make sure the hose is long enough, you don't want to confuse the fry and make them think they are ciclids).

When mine are at it they take about 4 hours from start to finish. I have to stop putting viagra into their food....

Hi. Don't any of you folks use a turkey baster? The greatest wiggler collecting aid ever devised. lol. I'd be lost without mine. - Frank
Naw, that's too high tech for me, I could never figure out how the darn thing works.

And the air hose siphon works faster, just hose em up; you know how kids love water slides. :p

Besides, I'd rather invest my money in more tanks.

At that size I don't even try using a net. I get a length of air hose, stick one end in my mouth and the suck up the fry with the other end (make sure the hose is long enough, you don't want to confuse the fry and make them think they are ciclids).

When mine are at it they take about 4 hours from start to finish. I have to stop putting viagra into their food....


Well I decided tonight to clean my net totally (as I had to use somes meth blue in the tank the net was in (no choice) and it was bugging me how dirty the net was....I had seen some of the new eggs had I said in an earlier post in this topic...had seen at least 5....I thought right I am going to try the length of a white container and proceeded to suck the pipe...(no comments please) :D :D :D I got the five plus my 2 bigger ones from a previous spawn (just 3-4 days older than the new eggs)

I thought yipee I have 7 babies son was helping me as he loves fish too...he said mum there is another one....this carried on for about 40 minutes....and I now have 23 eggs that have hatched including the 2 bigger ones from a previous spawn...I am well pleased.....I cleaned all the net...did a water change in the tank...and then carefully put the babies back in the net....(do not took me bloody ages....but I got em all in...eventually)

I am sad I know...but I am happy in the knowledge that I know exactly how many I looking forward to watching them grow...have a tank ready for when they are bigger.....bloody hell I LOVE CORYDORA!


At that size I don't even try using a net. I get a length of air hose, stick one end in my mouth and the suck up the fry with the other end (make sure the hose is long enough, you don't want to confuse the fry and make them think they are ciclids).

When mine are at it they take about 4 hours from start to finish. I have to stop putting viagra into their food....


Well I decided tonight to clean my net totally (as I had to use somes meth blue in the tank the net was in (no choice) and it was bugging me how dirty the net was....I had seen some of the new eggs had I said in an earlier post in this topic...had seen at least 5....I thought right I am going to try the length of a white container and proceeded to suck the pipe...(no comments please) :D :D :D I got the five plus my 2 bigger ones from a previous spawn (just 3-4 days older than the new eggs)

I thought yipee I have 7 babies son was helping me as he loves fish too...he said mum there is another one....this carried on for about 40 minutes....and I now have 23 eggs that have hatched including the 2 bigger ones from a previous spawn...I am well pleased.....I cleaned all the net...did a water change in the tank...and then carefully put the babies back in the net....(do not took me bloody ages....but I got em all in...eventually)

I am sad I know...but I am happy in the knowledge that I know exactly how many I looking forward to watching them grow...have a tank ready for when they are bigger.....bloody hell I LOVE CORYDORA!


Aww fab news, hope they all do well
Becks. x.
Well from the first batch I had hatch...2 have survived and are doing great....from the second batch...I had 21 hatch....I cleaned the net yesterday and counted only 13...these include my 2 bigger ones...and today I found 2 more I doing something wrong....I have had cory eggs before which did really well...!

I am doing daily water changes and cleaning the net out....I am feeding with hikari first bites and as of today crush pellets!

I still have the air stone in the net....I didnt know whether to take it out or not now....!

I think what might be happening is they are in a breeding net and hide between the net and the frame....the bigger fish in the tank are always pecking at the bottom of the net for scraps and feel sure I have lost some from being squashed...but wanted to ask if there is anything more I can do for these to survive...I am desperate to get them to adult I have a tank with their name


If you will get a turkey baster it will help you a lot. You can use it to move the fry when necessary. Also you can use the baster to suck up uneaten food and to blow the nasty stuff out of the net without having to move the fry.
You can also use it to get the fry out from under the frame if you think that is the problem, but they tend to go right back under there...

When I have fry in a net... I never really clean it. I just use the turkey baster to blow/suck the bad stuff out. I also put the net infront of the filter output so it blows into/through the net. That gives it good water movement and helps keep it some what clean. I don't use airstones. I am not saying that this is a better way... just that it is what worked for me in the past. I have tried tons of different ways. Some worked and some didn't. I have not found anything that works all of the time though. It is trial and error, but the turkey baster does make things so much easier. I would be totally lost without mine. I use it for so many things. It is a wonderful tool.

I have put a thin layer of filter floss in the bottom of the net before tucked under the frame. That kept them out of there, and it kept the adults from biting at them through the net. The problem was getting the uneaten food out of it. Now I throw in some moss or plants for them to hide in so they don't just lay on the bottom of the net.

I hope they do well for you this time. :good:

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