Well after successfully saving and hatching some eggs about a month ago...I went on to give them to a friend of mine as I did not have any room for them....I have since got another tank...bought specially for some cory babies...(ok I was hoping I would get more eggs)....over the last week I have come home and seen remains of eggs on the tank...and thought damn it missed them again...came home today to a massive load of eggs, all over the tank...uneaten....hurrayyyyyyyyy...I am well chuffed....just hope over the next day or so they turn that lovely beige colour...since seeing the ones I gave away hatch, and turn into lickle cory's....I wanted to try again...I have the cory bug now....the eggs and a lot of em are now in a breeding net with a nice air stone in there...!
Wish me luck!
Wish me luck!