More Eggs


Feb 23, 2008
Reaction score
West Yorkshire
Well after successfully saving and hatching some eggs about a month ago...I went on to give them to a friend of mine as I did not have any room for them....I have since got another tank...bought specially for some cory babies...(ok I was hoping I would get more eggs)....over the last week I have come home and seen remains of eggs on the tank...and thought damn it missed them again...came home today to a massive load of eggs, all over the tank...uneaten....hurrayyyyyyyyy...I am well chuffed....just hope over the next day or so they turn that lovely beige colour...since seeing the ones I gave away hatch, and turn into lickle cory's....I wanted to try again...I have the cory bug now....the eggs and a lot of em are now in a breeding net with a nice air stone in there...!

Wish me luck!

Great news, Cory's are great fish and loads of fun to breed. What species are you breeding?
Great news, Cory's are great fish and loads of fun to breed. What species are you breeding?

Well I didn't go out to breed them....they just spawn all the time...which I guess is a good sign they love their tank and present I have bronze, albino and peppered cories in the your guess is as good as mine...I am thinking though it is the the female looked very fat yesterday...I just hope they are fertilised...time will tell....the last one's I had at first I thought they were albino...then they changed colour so decided they were bronze...and when my friend came to pick them up...she said she thought they were

You go girl...

It's such a rush when you get eggs and then they hatch, isn't it?

My wife keeps asking me why I want all these babies. Well duh.... I don't know. It's the principle of it. It's the challenge. It's the reason to go out and buy more tanks. No, wait. Strike that. She doesn't need to know that. :p

They truly are addictive, aren't they?
Cories are just fun cory_dad. They are like children, they don't need a reason for being they just are. MTS can not be cured so give in to it but as you said don't admit it to people who don't understand.
Cories are just fun cory_dad. They are like children, they don't need a reason for being they just are. MTS can not be cured so give in to it but as you said don't admit it to people who don't understand.

Hi, my name is Cory_Dad.

And I haven't bought a new tank in 2 months....
LOL, fishkeepers anonymous!
Hi my name is Cooper2085 and my 4ft tank has now cycled and is stocked with catfish only :p
so that we could all be as succsseful as u 2 in breeding

Shelagh...I have a ordinary tank...I have named it 'the lurveeee tank' think I just may climb in and go for a swim myself :p Mind you not to breed...done enough for the British population already....but maybe just to practice? :D :D :D

what ever it is that you and becca have you should bottle it!!

shelagh xxx

LMAO !! why??

Becks....must be the 'yorkshire water' fine stuff it is.....(although glad I am not on a meter).... :rolleyes:
You go girl...

It's such a rush when you get eggs and then they hatch, isn't it?

My wife keeps asking me why I want all these babies. Well duh.... I don't know. It's the principle of it. It's the challenge. It's the reason to go out and buy more tanks. No, wait. Strike that. She doesn't need to know that. :p

They truly are addictive, aren't they?

Yep it is a rush.....and yes very addictive.

I had to move the eggs today as some had fungal on them...and the net was really dirty...I thought well I am going to risk moving them into a floating container....I did that this morning....just got in from work...and hurray....they are far about ten have hatched and can see eggs with tails swimming funny to see....I have about another 50 eggs...all beige.....have had to take out about 20 as they didnt look too good....some were white and some had fungal on know what I will do if they all hatch....fortunately I am getting rid of all my other fry so will have some tank space ready when they are bigger.....!


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