More Eggs


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
Well the Cories are getting way ahead of me as usual.

I now have my 7 or so pepper fry, some strumpet aeneus eggs (They spawned and smeared the whole tank! I moved a couple of plant leaves.), and I just found a smal smear in the Brochis, sterbai, long fin albino pepper tank. It could be any of the three. I have seen them all snuggling. I'm guessing the peppers though. I got a few to stick to a knife I scraped with and got a few of those into the breeding net. I don't know if any stayed on the plants though. They may have all gone to the bottom and will get eaten by the fry. If they spawned once I can assume they will again.

My one problem now is that the tank needs a water change and I have to figure a way to get the net to stay in the water but high enough not to wash out.
i had the same problem with my guppy fry, so i carefully washed an ice cream tub, placed in in the tank and under the breeder net, then lifted it out of the water carefully keeping it upright, so the breeder net is sitting in the tub full of water, and put it aside on a level surface - as long as it's a quick water change they're fine in there until you're done. i did this several times with my babies and never had a problem.
I was not near so careful or clever. I just dashed the net from one tank to the one next to it and back when the tank cleaning was done. :blush: the fry made it and I assume some of the eggs will hatch. I figure the net got a bit of a clean.

But I will remember this for another time. As a matter of fact the hang on hospital may be big enough.

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