More Eggs......yay!

congrats on the swimmers. I plan on always hatching mine like that, I have just had way to many spawns eaten to want to try any other way.

aww I hope draco is a little less stressed in a few days, the whole process sounds like it wore him out a bit.
Good idea with your guys track record for munching them :crazy:

Looks like I'll be doing the same with some of Taro's eggs. They were all up in the nest last night but now lots on the floor. Will suck them up in a bit and put them in the tub.....not so nervous about doing it now that it's worked with Draco's :good:
my guys dont have a great track record do they...lets see, Tweek ate 2 whole spawns, Whips crazy girlfriend ate 2 whole spawns, and forest ate all but 16 of the last spawn...when I counted more then 200 eggs in the nest.

with my guys I just dont get it, I had conditioned every single one of those bettas for over a month, they should not have eaten the eggs. but every time, the second day after the spawning they go and chow down.
That is really bad luck :( With our first 3 all Dad's did great jobs and were vigilant at looking after their babies. It's the last 2 that we've had problems with them keeping the eggs in the nests. Neither of them have great nests but at least once they hatch the babies seem to find something to cling onto. I've just popped a moss ball into the tank with Draco's babies as he's already out......apparently they love hanging onto those and they also provide some foody bits too.

No idea how many there are yet....where the tank is, it's really difficult to see unless you're a contortionist and have night vision :lol:
Babies are doing really good and considering their dodgy start and having to hatch some in a tub, there looks to be at least 80+ :hyper:
Just to update......the fry are now just over 2weeks old and we still have 50+. They were in a divided spawning tank but as so many have survived we've now taken the divider out to give them more room :D
i would be concerned on the resulting nature of these fry when they are older, ive thought about doing this but ive been talking to my other breeder and he agrees with my concerns.

I think that the fry would be far more aggressive when older b/c they havent had the interaction with their father at a very young age and may also develope spawning issues when older. thats just my concerns really as none of us really know if these first few days are vital to the mental development of bettas, there is also no proof to what i say but im sure you can see my point, its like having a lone pup that hasnt had a ***** to care for it and learn social skills.
They are both stunning Netty, I can't wait to see the babies.

I cant wait to post pics of my bettas when they arrive, its been over a year since i owned one. :good:
i would be concerned on the resulting nature of these fry when they are older, ive thought about doing this but ive been talking to my other breeder and he agrees with my concerns.

I think that the fry would be far more aggressive when older b/c they havent had the interaction with their father at a very young age and may also develope spawning issues when older. thats just my concerns really as none of us really know if these first few days are vital to the mental development of bettas, there is also no proof to what i say but im sure you can see my point, its like having a lone pup that hasnt had a ***** to care for it and learn social skills.

I see exactly what you mean. I suppose there is no way of really knowing until these guys grow up and are spawned. It'll be interesting to see what happens with the pair that we pick to continue with :good: Like you say though if they haven't had the experience of Dad picking them up and putting them in the nest, will they lack that when it's their turn!!!!

They are both stunning Netty, I can't wait to see the babies.

I cant wait to post pics of my bettas when they arrive, its been over a year since i owned one. :good:

Thanks Gina :good: When are you getting yours? I still get excited if we buy a new betta :hyper:
as for the aggresion matter i havent found that it makes any difference, my ct spawn had dad in and he ate most of the eggs anyway, the resulting fry that made it actually did seem to be a bit more aggresive then my lastest spawn, ft and hm cross, they are all still in the same 20 gal togather and only one seems to be a brat, and he got removed last week and jared, they are now 8 weeks and the remaining fry all seem to be pretty cool, all are mostly the same size but a few are huge and a few are small, but not too much aggresion, at the same age the ct spawn that had daddy were all tweaking out and ripping each other to pieces. ?? maby its just single fish personalitys? and really bettas arnt puppies, puppies understand what it means to be alone, loney, upset, scared, sad, all that kind of emotion, bettas,, well realy most of them like to be by them selves, so how much interaction with dad is realy benificial anyway?
Thanks Gina :good: When are you getting yours? I still get excited if we buy a new betta :hyper:

I should have my new bettas by thur/fri of next week and I cant wait. :hyper:
I've bought a HM pair and a stunning salamander BFPK pair. I've been toying with the idea of breeding. As I have all the tank space I need and each betta will be housed separately (even the females). However, I'd like to post pictures here first and get more advice, as I've only ever kept bettas as pets in the past and i've been reading a lot of conflicting info about breeding too.

Congrats on your spawn though, its good to see how it should be done!
Thanks Gina :good: Your new guys sound gorgeous....can't wait to see some pics of them!! Are they sibling pairs you're getting.....if so then they would be great to breed. There are lots of really informative sites on the internet that you can research breeding an rearing fry. Definately worth doing if you have the room and equipment :good:

These are a couple of good ones:

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