more birchir problems


Apr 15, 2004
Reaction score
Essex, Kirby
On Thrusday I went fishy shopping and bought a Marbled(p. Palma Palma) and an ornate.

I already have a Senegal which is 7inches and was in the tank previously for about 2 weeks.

The Marbled is also 7inches and is a bit wider.

Unfortuanately the Senegal has been chasing the Marble and nipping at his tail, it's looking a bit tatty at the moment.

I also have a roughly 5inch Ornate which is currently in another tank as I didn't want to risk him being eaten being slightly smaller.

Should I move my ornate in with the others to take the pressure off the Marbled?

Here's some pictures of everyone and the tank -

and some of the senegal are here-
I would add a lot more hiding places so that all the bichirs can have their own territory, bichirs generally arent aggressive to each other but they do like to have a space under some bogwood or a rock which they call their own. I wouldnt move the ornate just yet, give it a month and it will be as big as the others and will be safe to move, in 6 months you will be worring if its going to eat your senegalus. Ornates have one of the fastest growths of all bichirs, mine grew a inch a month for 18 months!
I'll shift some of the smaller bits around and mabe a bit more a slate at the moment most fot he fish seem to like sitting under a few pieces of slate leant on 1 another.

I'll see if we have any meduim interesting bits of wood at work tomorrow.
I'd say you'd be safe putting the ornate in right now.
A 7 inch bichir will have a very hard time swallowing a 5 inch bichir.
And i agree, you need more hiding spots.
Well I'll sort out some more hiding spots.

and I MAY try to add the ornate on a few days when i'm off in a row, for the next few days he can stay in the 4ft.

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