Moonlighting And Food Questions


New Member
May 25, 2011
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I have some led moonlighting on my tank for when the main tubes go off for the night,and was just wondering if I should leave the led's on all night so there is some light in the tank ,or is it best to give the fish some time in total darkness?

The other question I have is regarding food.

I recently read a topic on here (I'm not sure if SBS started the topic,or if he was just answering in it-but I think it was him involved in it anyway),but I'm struggling to find it to read it again :/

From memory,it was regarding feeding fish different types of food to give them variety etc,and I think SBS said that he didnt feed his fish anything other than New Life Spectrum pellets.

Apologies if my memory sucks,and it wasnt SBS.

Where are you buying New Life Spectrum btw,I cant seem to find many suppliers when googling it?



This is a UK distributor of New Life Spectrum.

If you don't live in the UK, just go to NLS website and click on the wholesaler button.
Why not set the moonlights to come on for haf an hour before the main lights then come on again for half an hour after the main lights go out. This will help the fish settle rather than being frightened when the lights come on.
Why not set the moonlights to come on for haf an hour before the main lights then come on again for half an hour after the main lights go out. This will help the fish settle rather than being frightened when the lights come on.

this is what I do, but for two hours after the main lights go off. However, the fish still 'jump' when the main ones go out so it doesn't completely eradicate the problem.
But it helps... Fish eyes aren't as advanced as ours so struggle with what seems to them as a massive change in light. They soon adapt though.

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