monster plec


Fish Fanatic
Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
Andover, Well.... Hampshire, south England, UK
I want to keep a pleco and grow it to it's maximum size. can i keep it alone? and what sort of tank setup and filter selection etc will i need to suit the plec perfectly.? if anyone has any advice or knowledge at all about plecos then please let me know because i do want to know everything i can.

What kind of plec are you talking about? That can make a very big difference!! Some get to 18" where as others get to 3".


Other than that, you will need a good filter with wood and rocks perhaps. Live plants depends on the size of the plec.
tuffers said:
i just want a common pleco but i want it to be enormous! any advice?
For an enormous plec, you need an enourmous tank. I'd say 4ft long and 1.5ft wide to give it room.

Maybe others will disagree but they get massive and will need room to swim. You could keep other fish in there too perhaps.

Whyere's ryan when you need him?!
you need a bigger tank than that IMO, think...a common pleco at 2 feet long...needs a tank about 2.5 feet in width so it can turn comfortably. Also needs to be double, better if triple in length so it can move. but...thats just my opinion
tuffers said:
So can it be kept on its own? If I get a HUGE tank then how big could it actually get? my brother is really in to pleco's and he'd like to know :)
Plecs are better on there own, and yes, they can be kept on there own. If you get a huge tank, it will probably grow faster and grow large. 18 Inch is the maximum for a common plec a 4ft by 2ft is the smallest size you can get to house the plec, however the bigger the better. The best filtration for them would be a external canister filter. They are very messy fish so that powerful filtration is very useful. They can grow quite fast until 12 inches, and from there they grow slower. Ideal tankmates include other large fish and oddball fish, however no discus/angels or flat fish as when the plecs are young they like to somtimes stick the the sides of these fish. I saw the horrible incident at the store once. tsk, tsk, tsk. :no:

Any other questions, just ask me. :D
im willing to bet you could get a common pleco to get larger than 18 inches if you feed it enough and if it has enough room. Filtration is the key as well, you may want to do more waterchanges when its bigger cause it will create much more waste. i think you should go for a prettier pleco that still gets pretty large. Go for a royal pleco, BEAUTIFUL, and still grows to be pretty big. :thumbs:
The biggest catfish ever is 4.9 m and was a Silurus glanis. try keeping one of them :D
The biggest catfish ever is 4.9 m and was a Silurus glanis. try keeping one of them :D

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