Monster fish


Fish Fanatic
Oct 9, 2003
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My local aquatic shop has monster fish for sale they were £22.95 but i can't decide whether to buy them or not because i have heard they can be cheaper and i only have one spare tank and it is only a small tank (46x25x25.5cm).

So i have some questions

1. Could i keep one (or 2) in their?
2. What do they eat?
3. Is £22.95 a good deal for one?


Thalsophryne amazonica aka the monsterfish is a out and out piscavor, small specimins may take earthworms but older fish will only eat live fish.
They are a species of FW toad fish and spend the majority of their time buried in the substrate, they must have sand or vey very fine gravel so they can dig properly, unhappy fish will die as they are quite sensative
They have a mildly poisenous stinger in the dorsal fin which causes intense pain if you get stung, i nearly purchased one a few years back which had stung the lfs owner and his hand looked like a balloon :lol:, they grow to around 8" and are best kept in species only tank
£23 sounds about right for a 3 to 4 inch specimin, i have seen these fish priced at £50 for a 5" fish.
Could i keep one (or 2) in my tank?
What size fish will fit in their mouth when their fully grown so i know what to feed it ?
This may sound like a bit of a silly question but can you recommend a good book with oddball fish in coz i can never find the fish i have in books?


I would suggest just one for a tank that small, two would be pushing the tank limits too far.
They will take suprisingly large prey, fish up to 3/4 of the fishes length will be taken, for a full grown fish i would suggest 2x2-3" fish a week as food.
The baensch atlases are very good as is DR Axelrodes atlas, either of them should cover almost any fish you are ever likely to encounter.
Cool thanks.
I know that monsterfish bury themselves in the sand but what kind of sand and is sand pit sand from The Early learning Centre ok?
How much are those books you mentioned?


Play sand is ok but i find it tends topack down a little to tightly if used alone, i use a half and half mix of play sand and river sand from the lfs which creates a slightly looser mix which is ideal for burrowing fish.

Expect to pay around £20 each for the 3 baensch atlases, the Dr axelrodes atlas im not sure on but expect to pay around £50 to £60 for the hard back edition.
"Jurassic Fishes" by Haruto Kodera is good for info on bichirs, sterlets, gars, bowfins and bony tongues.
Doesn't cover the more recent stuff obviously, but a good book none the same.
SORRY CFC I DID'NT READ WHT YOU SAID SO WE'VE BOTH GIVEN THE SAME INFORMATION!! :cool: THis is a very rare fish!!The only other person to have one is ALAN FINNIGAN(see practical fishkeeping issue 13 Christhmas 2002 pge 96)

This fish is a member of the Toad fish family (BATRACHOIDIDAE)a prehistoric monster.They come from the Amazonian tributaries and seem to be imported mainly from Peru area.The fish needs substrate that it can burrow into if it does'nt have this it will die coz it wont be able to feed.They burrow in to the substrate and only their eyes sticking out.

Buy it and it might not grow to that size,so you could take a chance with it??You are unlikely to ever see another one so go and get it!!! :eek:
rhyswebb said:
The only other person to have one is ALAN FINNIGAN(see practical fishkeeping issue 13 Christhmas 2002 pge 96)

You are unlikely to ever see another one so go and get it!!! :eek:
Monster fish are actually quite common and easy to get hold of but there just isnt a demand for them as not many people want to kep a poisonous fish that hides all day and only eats other fish.

A lfs near me had some tiny 1" ones a couple of months ago and Trimar had some in some in stock last time i looked, if it wasnt that i already have a frogmouth catfish that does exactly the same thing i would have bought one but i dont have the space to dedicate 2 tanks to fish i never see.
Sorry i did'nt know that CFC.I dont really know much about them to be honest.You seem to know more about them than me. :nod:
Does anybody know where you can get these fish online? I can only find info through google. No retailers.


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