Monster Fish Rescue @ The Oca Extravaganza


Fish Fanatic
Dec 2, 2007
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Hi everyone, it's TheFishGuy!

Monster Fish Rescue will be at the O.C.A Extravaganza on November 21, 22,
23. For more information on the event click here:

For more information on Monster Fish Rescue click here:
Monster Fish Rescue

To watch the MFR/O.C.A. Commercial Staring yours truly click here:


If you've got anything fish related you'd like to donate to MFR bring it
to the Strongsville Holiday Inn. We¡¦ll be accepting things like:

Aquariums (any size)
Air tubing
And any fish you have no idea what to do with. If you've got fry from
your cichlids you can't sell or anything of the like we'll gladly take
them off your hands. We will have tanks set up in our room in order to
take in unwanted fish.

As always we'll be accepting cash donations. Thank you for your support!

If you have any questions feel free to post on this thread, pm me, or
email me at [email protected]

Hope to see you there!

I'd like to extend a THANK YOU to the admins of this website for giving
me permission to post here! It helps fish all over the planet!

So THANK YOU very very much!

Incidentally the email glitch on the website has been fixed Yay!!!
I have been a long time supporter of this guy, so dont be so quick to dismiss him as a spammer, it is an unfortuant part of our hobby that we need people like him to run what amounts to a shelter for fish.
Oh man, I sure don't want to labelled a spammer... I guess in a way I do have to spam a little. I've got to get the word out somehow, and this is my world. The world of forums and fish sites. It took me a while but I started a group on facebook... Not too sure how well that's going to go... And today I'm going to set up (and I hate to even sya this) a my space site...

People need to be educated about large fish. I'm all for keeping them, I love em! I just want people to do their research. They do it for everything else! In todays world there's no excuse for being surprised. Especially with this new tool the internet. It's wealth of knowledge and information, yet I get calls and emails about large cats and pacu, and irridescent sharks, and cichlids that are decimating entire tanks... I mean c'mon, do a little research... It's not hard to type in something to google????

Sorry for the rant, but I'm very passionate about my cause...

Hope to see some of you there at the Extravaganza.

Join a local club and learn from experienced aquarists. It's the best way to learn, experience!
Looks like a good cause, I wish you luck :)

I agree there is no excuse these days with the all the information available on fish (or any other animal) for people to say they didnt know about how to care for them or their requirements, we have people daily on this forum alone who come on with completely incompatible species who do not have the means or the inclination to look after them properly.

I hope the extravaganza goes well for you.
sorry, i dint realise who you were, yeah, good luck, it happens all to often that we get a post saying ID my pleco, and its a common, in a tank of about 90 litres.
I also am full of respect for you my friend, atleast theres people out there who care as much as you do :good:
I always try to rehome as many fish as i possiblly can, but without the tank space iam limited, but i can usually find a home for unwated fish,just takes a bit of time and effort,
Goodluck mate and hope it goes simmingly for you guys :good:
If i was there id put my face in to show support :D
Thanks for the support guys. If you've got a fish you don't know what to do with. Email me. I re-home fish all over the world. Not just on my block!

Incidently... I've been convinced to join my space... I guess I'll see how it goes... I think it might work to get the word out to younger people to do their research.... We'll see...
Let us know your page when its up and running, will add you :)
Well, now that the winter snow machine might be firing up I'll be able to get on line more often and be able to attend events. I'm excited to get back into the swing of things. Also, my myspace page is up... I think.. .I started a blog page too. Don't know if that worked either... LOL
Great work.

I think it might work to get the word out to younger people to do their research.... We'll see...

Not just youngsters. Grown adults too. Working at an LFS I am often in disbelief at some adult's lack of knowledge of fishkeeping. Differentiating between marine and freshwater is actually hard for some people, it's scary.
It's true that people that work in local shops aren't always that knowledgeable, but consider the fact they don't get paid too well, and to pay someone with tons of experience and knowledge wouldn't be practical for the store. I worked in a pet shop all through high school and I took my job seroiusly. That's whenI got dubbed "thefishguy" and it's stuck with me ever since. On slow days I would read the reference books on all sorts of creatures. While I've always had aquariums I didn't really start going crazy with it until I got my own place. Next time you're in a store and you hear bad advice being given from an employee step in and correct them. Be nice about it though so as not to offend. I like to teach and it's easy for me to approach people. I play the monster fish rescue card so people tend to listen after I say that I rescue fish. I think it's our duty as experienced fish keeprs to help the new comers. There's an eleven year old young man who's coming over tomorrow to discuss his future set up. I think it's great he's trying to do as much research as possible first. (I don't know where he heard that from?? LOL ) So I'll take an hour or so with him and try and answer his questions. And if i can't answer them we'll go on line together so I can show him the best ways to do research. The interent is such a wealth of knowledge it aught to be pretty easy :)
How do you find people to adopt fish all over the world? I can't even find someone to take a Jewel off my hands. I took it from my sister because she had to get rid of it that day. I figured I'd be able to find a home within a couple weeks. But no one is interested. :/

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