Monster Fish Rescue @ The Oca Extravaganza

How do you find people to adopt fish all over the world?

Good question. I'll be glad to answer that with one word... Networking. I belong to 33 forums, I'm a member of the O.C.A. and soon to be a member of many more clubs. I've got a website that gets more and more traffic every day it seems. I post videos on you tube. I get myself out there is what I do. Someone is always looking for something all the time. You just need to find that person or persons. There's really only one exception to this rule. Pacus. No one wants pacus. Everyone that has one loves them as they do tend to have great personalities, but they get mamouth! There's only a handful of people in the U.S that have large enough tanks to keep pacus. And of those people 3% will take in a pacu. I am one of those people, and I know of one other who lives on the other side of the country...

Tell me about the Jewel, what kind of Jewel is it as there's a few out there. Is it male or female? How old is it? Do you want to email me a picture and your zip code so we can list it on my website? :)
It's true that people that work in local shops aren't always that knowledgeable, but consider the fact they don't get paid too well, and to pay someone with tons of experience and knowledge wouldn't be practical for the store. I worked in a pet shop all through high school and I took my job seroiusly. That's whenI got dubbed "thefishguy" and it's stuck with me ever since. On slow days I would read the reference books on all sorts of creatures. While I've always had aquariums I didn't really start going crazy with it until I got my own place. Next time you're in a store and you hear bad advice being given from an employee step in and correct them.

Indeed, but I am the LFS employee :p
Give the same advice there as I do here.
Good luck with it all :good:
Unfortunately, I don't have a camera. :/ I have no idea what the gender is. I've only had it for less than a month. My sister was moving and had to give it away very abruptly. All I really know about it is that it's a Jewel cichlid. It looks exactly like this one:

It's been growing since I've had it, so I guess it's still pretty young.

My mom has 2 pacus in a tank that is much too small for them. She can't find anyone to take them either. But she's too busy to really be looking, and she doesn't go on the internet much at all. They are in a 20 gallon tank and she does 50% water changes daily... She doesn't even want them because it's too much work for her to enjoy them.

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