Monkey Monkey

::nods:: Not directed at you Cracker; I was just pointing out that the critique from the other poster was a little hypocritical. :good: Good job on rescuing him; animals have a rough time in warfare, and are often forgotten in light of the human tradgedies all around.

Tarsiers are awesome! How lucky you are to live in an area with such a rich abundance of wildlife :hyper:
::nods:: Not directed at you Cracker; I was just pointing out that the critique from the other poster was a little hypocritical. :good: Good job on rescuing him; animals have a rough time in warfare, and are often forgotten in light of the human tradgedies all around.

Tarsiers are awesome! How lucky you are to live in an area with such a rich abundance of wildlife :hyper:

No worries sorry I lost the old pic of him with a huge wound on his lower leg but it's all good now and if you want to hear more about the story just IM me :good:
I'm not sure rescuing a wild animal responsibly involves chaining them to a tree to live their lives out unnaturally as a "pet". Surely he would've been better off in a reputable sanctuary where he may have been rehabilitated and released :(
I tend to agree with KathyM, and comparing it to keeping fish in a fish tank really isnt a very good comparison, the intelligence and attention span of a fish is no where near that of a monkey, so keeping it chained up is cruel imo :/ and he is such a fantastic animal. I dont see why he wasnt put in a sanctuary like Kathy said, it would be better for him plus you wouldnt have to spend time looking after him :dunno:
I agree that a sanctuary or release would be ideal, and I disagree with chaining primates or keeping them as pets. However, I also am willing to look at both sides of the issue here. Assuming it is not releasable due to injuries or tameness, I can see why it is being kept as it is. As others have mentioned, the culture particularly regarding animals is very different than the US or UK, and animal sanctuaries are few and far between, under funded, over stocked, and held in fairly low regard. And, given the dangerous situation in the wilderness for both humans and primates, I think the keeping of the animal is a little less worthy of reproach than the NUMEROUS exotic "pets" constantly purchased and discarded in safe, wealthy nations like the ones we live in. It is hard to imagine the vast cultural and social issues inbetween our countries that result in situations like this, and I believe Cracker has the best intentions at heart, even if it is something we personally disagree with.
Isn't that type of monkey meant not to be chained? Its wild :crazy:

While I personally agree with you about monkeys not being kept as pets, one must remember that outside of very few species of fish we keep, none are domesticated and many are wild caught. Not to say that fish and primates compare at all cognitively, but it is very hard to effectively put down the keeping of one wild animal while owning others ;)

Just FYI. I rescued the monkey from the jungle in 2001 he was hit by a bomb during the battle between the military and the rebels here, he was dying and I brough him home and raised him.

Thank you.

Awww, I'll second the nomination. We've never had a monkey before. :)

I'm caught up on Magic. What a cutie. :wub: What breed is s/he? Or is s/he a mix?

Yeah Magic is cute and I'm not sure what breed is he. My mom got this dog as a gift from her friend and this dog is very adorable...

Monkey oh this is actually my 3rd monkey, I sent the other 2 back to wild when they are already old. If you have the chance to come here then I'll show you some live Tarsiers :D ..... It's endangered here but there is a place protected by the government wherein you can go and you can play with the Tarsiers and take tons of pictures :D

Like this .... and can only be found here.


pic borrowed from

what a great pic. cool little creature. thanks for sharing. and nice that you rescued the monkey.
Without adding fuel to the fire, Cracker did mention that this is his 3rd monkey, the other 2 of which were released back into the wild. That being the case I doubt there is reason to believe this one is being kept for selfish reasons. As for chaining it up, it's probably more for the monkey's own safety than anything else (especially if it is chasing kids) and is definitely a better existence than it could have had if cracker hadn't have found it. Being chained or caged both have their cons but at least this fella has access to a tree rather than 4 walls and a concrete floor. Given the limited resources a domestic residence has (especially one without access to sanctuaries, etc), I think cracker has done a great service for this animal and an admirable job to the best of his abilities, especially considering how healthy the monkey is in the pics :good:

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