

Fish Fanatic
Jan 4, 2007
Reaction score
Northern Ireland
Is there nay spaces in which I could be a moderator. i think i would be good at it , given the chance.

Thanks in advance.
Most mods are either asked or voted least that's how it works in my experience.

plus it aint all it's cracked up to be either, trust me when I say your better off as a member lol.
Moderator job is usually decided upon by the moderators with final approval by admin, based on experience, patience, content of posts, and having either big blue eyes or a killer smile or if you wear a kilt.

Just teasing.

Keep a concerned and interested TFF'er....and you'll get there. Good luck. SH
I heard you have to have been convicted of at least three murders to be a mod... Apparently the experience helps.
When do we vote for mods? I have never seen a vote. I want to be a mod but I don't think I will anytime soon and I'd also like to vote for the mods.
Moderator job is usually decided upon by the moderators with final approval by admin, based on experience, patience, content of posts, and having either big blue eyes or a killer smile or if you wear a kilt.

Just teasing.

Keep a concerned and interested TFF'er....and you'll get there. Good luck. SH

i've got a cracking pair of......... eyes

would that help at all?! :lol:
I was a staff member on a online game and I was selected by the high ranked members of the game Moderators and Admins. It was fun and people who are on forums and online games should have more respect for the staff it's hard work.... :good:

So I gather thats the usual selection process for all the forum's and games on the net.
Personally, I think the place could use a few new mods... I mean, there are, what, 15 staff members to over 20,000 members? Obviously not all of those are going to be active, but you see my point, I'm sure. Seems to me like it couldn't possibly hurt to have a few extra pairs of eyes to watch over things? :dunno:
just going back to my experience we had about 15 staff looking after about from 4 thousand to 20 thousand active members and it was very tough with only 15 staff members so Synirr may bring a valid point...
24880 members active in the last month
14 moderators active in the last month

i think synirr could well be right, although ultimately it's William's descision if he feels a need for more moderators.
Oh my goodness! Am I the only one on here who really wouldn't want to be a mod? I've modded my university forum, and two others and it was hell! Mainly because everyone was always arguing. And also because there's just not enough time in the day. It's hard work.
24880 members active in the last month
14 moderators active in the last month

i think synirr could well be right, although ultimately it's William's descision if he feels a need for more moderators.

Depends how you look at it.

Right now there is 158 users online here, only 56 of them are members who could post, and there are 2 mods. So thats 1 mod to 28 posting members which is fine.

Part of the mod thing is ensuring the content is reasonable for advice too. Hence why certain mods are placed to lead the modding for certain subject areas.

I'm CFC is just dieing to be made lead mod in the Betta forum.. :p

pmsl, can just see that.

maybe some mod input would settle this (well in sme people's minds anyway, as i said before we can talk till were blue in the face, it's william who'se gotta decide if there's a problem), do you find it's hard work mdoerating? do you think you need more help?
fishkiller_nomore - But that just makes us look forward to opening your report, so we can see the latest edition. :hyper:

Miss Wiggle - Woo, my opinion. :D

I don't find it especially hard being a moderator. But I don't really mind working all that much. I'll sit here and move topics for 30 minutes, and be absolutely fine with that. So take that into mind as you listen to my opinion!

I don't really think we need more mods right now. There doesn't seem to be an above average, or hard workload currently. Of course, I haven't been around as much because of my grandmother's disease/death. But just browsing the mod forums and reports, it doesn't seem to be that busy. Summer is when it gets harder, but I suppose we'll take that as it comes. :)

I suppose it couldn't hurt having more, but I don't really see it as being needed.

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