Mixing Tropical and Goldfish


New Member
Aug 31, 2004
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i have a 96 ltr tank, set-up as a tropical tank, temp running at 24-26 C, the population consists of the following:

4 fantailed fancy goldfish (Various)
8 Danios (Zebra & Leopard)
1 Snail
1 Plecostomus
3 Minnoes.

at the weekend i added 3 Mollies, before buying the mollies i checked with the advice in the shop who said the moolies would be fine with the other fish in the tank, today it seems that the Male mollie is attacking the fins of the fancy goldfish.

any advice would be welcome, should i remove the male mollies, or are all mollies going to attack the goldfish ?


i alwyas thought that goldfish were coldwater fish and mollies were tropical. ..... did i miss something?
They can live, but their metabolism is adapted to cold waters, so by increasing the temperature, their growth and metabolism rate increases. In effect, this shortens their lifespans.

But zebra danios and minnows can tolerate pretty low temperatures, so it shouldnt be a problem. However, i don't think mollies will do :no:

I agree 100%. Goldfish will not live healthy, full lives in a tropical water environment, and the mollies will not in a non-tropical one. Surviving and thriving are not the same things. Given adequate food, oxygen, etc. a human could live for quite a long time locked in a single room that was 33 degrees C. But would you want to?

Get the goldfish and mollies separate, appropriate homes, and I promise you they'll be grateful for it. They don't belong together.

get them out brother . mollys are bad news with goldfish . dont know if the males are worse or not .id getemout .
especially not with goldies . at least thats my exp i used to realy like mollies but not anymore . whoever said it would be ok do not know wot he she is talking about and cant be trusted for advice or worthy of your dollars :D
Hate to pile on, but I'd also be concerned about slow-moving fancy goldfish competing with the speedy danios for food. :( They'll do well in a large (40g or more) aquarium or outdoor pond though :)

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