Mixing Teras


Fish Crazy
Nov 24, 2007
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Hi all.
I have 6 Neon tetras as the min but would eventually like to make the shoal a little bigger as I like the effect they create in the tank. I am wondering if I add some different types of tetra fish will they shoal together? Ie putting some Black Neon Teras and Glowlight Tetras in which are similar size? I want one shoal but with different colours in there.

Shoaling is a defensive strategy exhibited when fish feel threatened. In typical tanks it is not usually seen. Under extremely stressful situations, different species will shoal up but by that stage, you've got serious problems.
The bigger the tank the more they'll school. I also believe markings and shape of the tetras makes a difference. I've had a red phanotom and a lemon school with bleeding hearts when they were alone but I wouldn't expect a neon or rummy nose to do that.
The bigger the tank the more they'll school.
A big tank per-se does not cause "threat", it is open spaces. A packed big tank or very heavily planted tank is less likely to cause shoaling behaviour - pedantic I know. :rolleyes:
I have one cardinal with some neons and he has joined there shoal.

Dont know exactly why but it may be a colouration and size issue.

Cardinal tetras will shoal with neons as they are similar in size and colour. The little chaps must get confused :rolleyes:

How ever my cardinals will not shoal with my Serpae Tetra's. They must just see each other as to to different.
When I added my cardinals the initially shoaled with the rummy noses but not any more. They hardly shoal together at all, they're usually scattered around the tank. The rummy noses are always shoaling but I think I have problems with them as they're very timid and very rarely come out from the plants. The only time I see them properly is at feeding time (they're very greedy) or just before lights out!

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