Hi! Im new, and i live in Shanghai, China. I am American, but my dads work moved us up here. Just the other day, i bought a tank, a heater, a filter, black gravel, a bushy plant that makes the PERFECT hiding spot, another plant and a temperature gauge. in it, i put about 30 Glass Shrimp, which cost about 40 RMB, or 5 DOLLARS! they are really cheap and are abundant at the fish markets that sell pet fish. i have a question. will they breed??? i want them to, but i don't know if the conditions are right. it is about 80 degrees Fahrenheit. by the way, the tank is a 2 or 3 gallon tank. they seem very happy right now, eating flake food. in my 20 gallon tank i have 1 molly, 1 tiger barb, 2 fish that are blue and yellow, about 2.5 inches long, 3 fish that are light blue with 2 dark blue spots and 2 antennae type things coming out of the area where the 2 fins are(could you please identify them???) one Nicaraguan cichild that is a big bad bully. he eat my shrimp that i put in that tank;thats why i got another tank. 4 tin foil barbs, 2 of them died,

and 3 yellow fish that suck on the glass.(could you identify them to???) but my main question is whether my glass shrimp will breed. Thanks alot!!!!