Mixing Shrimp

AHHH! He looks like he is out for blood!

Great pic. I love the stripe on his back. I didnt know Amanos get that. I thought they just had red polkadots on their side, but I have not seem amano shrimp in person that often.
The other shrimp would be great though, wish i could get ghost shrimp here :(.

Ghost shrimp sometimes get sold as amano or algae shrimp up here 3fingers. I did have two, but one has died a couple of months ago. If your desperate for ghost shrimp I can find some for you :good: seems to be my local pet shop sells them alot.

greg :good:
Hot dang :hyper: . Thanks man, I'll remember that when i decide on the stocking for my aquacube :good: .
Our reputable LFS told me that Cherry and Ghost Shrimp usually do well together, but Amanos can eat other shrimp (especially the females).

Here's a pic of our Amanos fighting over blodworms, it's funny they'll fight the the other fish for food.
Really good pic Tsi :good: , yeah they can be aggressive getting food, when they are killing something they really go for it, ruthless little predators, and its not about them having enough veggie food, it looks to me that females producing eggs want meat. I have ottos so there is always some veg in the tank.
RESGUY, I doubt anyone would donate any CRS (Crystal Red Shrimp). CRS are sold in different grades, I believe the worse grade (SS) would be about $25 per shrimp. RCS (Red Cherry Shrimp) are far cheaper, very easy to breed. They can be found to be sold at about $20 for 10+ shrimp.
RESGUY, I doubt anyone would donate any CRS (Crystal Red Shrimp). CRS are sold in different grades, I believe the worse grade (SS) would be about $25 per shrimp. RCS (Red Cherry Shrimp) are far cheaper, very easy to breed. They can be found to be sold at about $20 for 10+ shrimp.
I'm sorry, I seem to have abbreviated incorrectly. I definetly would not expect anyone to donate a CRS, I meant a RCS :)
Hi! Im new, and i live in Shanghai, China. I am American, but my dads work moved us up here. Just the other day, i bought a tank, a heater, a filter, black gravel, a bushy plant that makes the PERFECT hiding spot, another plant and a temperature gauge. in it, i put about 30 Glass Shrimp, which cost about 40 RMB, or 5 DOLLARS! they are really cheap and are abundant at the fish markets that sell pet fish. i have a question. will they breed??? i want them to, but i don't know if the conditions are right. it is about 80 degrees Fahrenheit. by the way, the tank is a 2 or 3 gallon tank. they seem very happy right now, eating flake food. in my 20 gallon tank i have 1 molly, 1 tiger barb, 2 fish that are blue and yellow, about 2.5 inches long, 3 fish that are light blue with 2 dark blue spots and 2 antennae type things coming out of the area where the 2 fins are(could you please identify them???) one Nicaraguan cichild that is a big bad bully. he eat my shrimp that i put in that tank;thats why i got another tank. 4 tin foil barbs, 2 of them died, :-( and 3 yellow fish that suck on the glass.(could you identify them to???) but my main question is whether my glass shrimp will breed. Thanks alot!!!!
Hi! Im new, and i live in Shanghai, China. I am American, but my dads work moved us up here. Just the other day, i bought a tank, a heater, a filter, black gravel, a bushy plant that makes the PERFECT hiding spot, another plant and a temperature gauge. in it, i put about 30 Glass Shrimp, which cost about 40 RMB, or 5 DOLLARS! they are really cheap and are abundant at the fish markets that sell pet fish. i have a question. will they breed??? i want them to, but i don't know if the conditions are right. it is about 80 degrees Fahrenheit. by the way, the tank is a 2 or 3 gallon tank. they seem very happy right now, eating flake food. in my 20 gallon tank i have 1 molly, 1 tiger barb, 2 fish that are blue and yellow, about 2.5 inches long, 3 fish that are light blue with 2 dark blue spots and 2 antennae type things coming out of the area where the 2 fins are(could you please identify them???) one Nicaraguan cichild that is a big bad bully. he eat my shrimp that i put in that tank;thats why i got another tank. 4 tin foil barbs, 2 of them died, :-( and 3 yellow fish that suck on the glass.(could you identify them to???) but my main question is whether my glass shrimp will breed. Thanks alot!!!!
Welcome :) .
To weather or not your shrimp will breed, we need to know the species, there are alot of shrimp that go by the name 'glass shrimp' and i have no idea which one will be the most common in China.
30 shrimp in 2 or 3 gallons is really too much, I hope you do very frequent water changes and watch your stats. I personally think 10 is a good number. If your glass shrimp are one of the species that breed in freshwater, then i see no problems with your tank other than crowding. How big are the shrimp you have right now?
As for your questions about your 20 gallon, i think you should try posting those questions in the 'tropical chit chat' section. But I'm afraid that you are going to have to re-home some fish or get a bigger tank :no: . Tiger barbs should be kept in groups of 6+(preferably 8 other wise they may bully other fish) and if by 'Nicaraguan cichild' you mean this fish, then you will have to remove him from the other fish and re-home him or get a bigger seperate tank for him :) .
I don't know about the ID's of your other fish, but i suggest you post some pictures of them or a more detailed description in 'tropical chit chat' section :good: . And in future, you should never buy a fish unless you know what it is, as most of the time they are 100% unsuitable for the tank, people at pet shops know nothing about keeping fish, and i wouldn't imagine fish markets would be any better! :X

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