Mixing Sharks


New Member
Apr 7, 2004
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Harrogate, Yorkshire
Please could anyone tell me if a black & red finned shark will go in a tank with silver & black sharks?

I have a well established tank (Juwel 280) and have 2 large silver & black sharks that I have had for ages and know someone getting rid of a black red finned shark of similar size to mine (4-6").

For info other fish in the tank are 4 x large golden severums, 2 x large clown loch, 2 x blue gouramis, 2 x ram cichlid (new), 1 barb (not sure what it's pink) and 1 congo tetra.

Call me stupid but i don't know how many gallons your tank is. I have never heard of the juwell tanks. If it means that it is a 280us gallon tank then yes they will be fine.
Oh OOPS. I'm not from there, so thats about 72 us gallons. Althought the different kinds of sharks would get along, There might not be enough room in there for them. The silver sharks (a.k.a. balas get very large and need lots of room).
smasheddragon, Blacksharks are territorial. I'm not sure, but I don't think blacksharks consider silver sharks a threat as they're not a related species.

But there again, I didn't think Angels were territorial, so what would I know... -_-
I have a RTB shark and two bala sharks and have had them for about two years. the RTB chases them around a bit but never harms them, i heard somewhere that they chase anything that looks like themselves, iv yet to see them damaged.
I have found that my RTBS will chase anything bigger than your average neon tetra. For some reason anything that size is ignored. The bigger the fish I think the more it chases them however they rarely do damage.

Silver sharks are pritty timid and will probably avoid the RTBS after it's been chased a few times. Make sure you have a good cave for the RTBS and have cover for your other fish and you should be fine.

I do actually have a RTBS and a silver shark but have yet to put them in the same tank to be sure on this.
Black sharks grow to around 2 feet and get very aggressive with age, a half grown black shark will require a 280 litre tank to its self> If kept with other sharks it will not hesitate to kill them and even non conspesific fish will be harrassed continually.
And adult silver sharks require acres of space. The more enclosed their quarters, the more prone they are to skitish behaviour.

IMHO, adult silver sharks need upwards of 10 feet in tank length!!!!!!
if the tank is that size, i wouldn't risk it, like CFC said, black sharks do get large!
Yeah black sharks get to be around 2 feet but he's talking about red tailed black sharks. Those only get to be 6 inches long. I have 5 bala sharks and two red-tailed black sharks. The RTB sharks leave the balas alone although the big RTB shark chases around the small one a lot. I feel kind of bad for the small one. It's always hiding in a corner or cave. I should find it a new home... Hm... Maybe another aquarium!! Now I finnally have a reason to get another one. Maybe not. Everyone in my family thinks that five is enough. Oh well.
Thanks to everyone that has replied.

Bit confused now!!!!!

I take it then that there are black sharks and red tailed black sharks? I am sure this is a red tailed one. My silver sharks do not hassle anything else in the tank, they stick together and follow each other around and have never bothered anything I have put in.

Worth trying it and then removing the black shark at any signs of it not working?
I think it's because you wrote silver & black sharks. When you ment to say just 2 Silver shark?

I had assumed you ment just you had 2 silver sharks and had said black because silver sharks have black fins?

Thus you have people talking about 3 different fish:

Black Sharks
Silver Sharks

To sum up what I think people are saying.

You can (probably) mix RTBS and Silver sharks without a problem however you are talkign about 3 fish that get very large. I have an old Silver Shark and it's about 18cm. I would exspect my RTBS to get to just under that as well. 3 fish that could get to just under 20cm in one tank your size isn't a good idea.
Could i ask how long it takes for balas to get full grown?! :/

I have two at the mo and i want to know how long i have till i have to buy a whooppa of a tank! cheers :D
>>> Thus you have people talking about 3 different fish:

It's more complicated then that even, the OP actually says...

>>> black & red finned shark

... a Red Finned Shark is not the same as an RTBS.

The Black Shark is not a suitable community fish for the reasons stated. Red Tailed and Red Finned Sharks will fight with their own species, the other species and anything that looks vaguely shark like. Bala/Silver sharks are peaceful but grow very large. It is likely that eithr a Red Finned or Red Tailed shark would chase the Bala's around a bit.

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