Mixing Cory's


New Member
Aug 2, 2008
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hi, im just after some panda cory's and since they like to be in a group of 5-6 or more i was just wondering if its possible to have let say 3 albino and 3 panda cory's and they'll mingle with each other as if they're all of the same kind.

In my experience, cories won't "mingle" with different types of cories. Maybe they would if they look similar though. Like similar markings? Not sure about that.
We have julii cories and skunk cories. And the only times they school together is when they're nervous (like if I'm trying to catch a fish, or when I'm doing thorough gravel vacs).
Any other time though, the juliis are off doing their own thing, and the skunks are doing something else.
i have julii,delphax and sterbai and they all will school quite often but they dont always stay 2 gether but saying that my sterbai often slit up and go off by them selves anyways i think it's just hit and miss really

I have 6.
4 Julii, 2 green.
2 Of the julii are from previous tank and are quite large.
They all school in groups of 2. Never together.
I have been keeping (coldwater) Corys for a number of years and have found that they tend to only school within their own species.

My peppered cories never shoal with the albinos I have. Actually the peppered are mostly just in groups of 2. They only shoaled in the beginning.

Are they 3 boys and 3 girls? Normally they do all shoal at the start then as they get comfortable they split up a bit. Mine all still shoal probably 50% of the time. (And the other 50% of the time, they hide)
I read they mix in the wild. My peppered cory and my emerald like to chill together, but the albino I have seems perfectly happy to tool around by itself.
Albinos are usually either peppered or aeneas. They are more than happy to shoal with their normal colored brothers but don't cross as easily to other types.

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