Missing Neons?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 6, 2007
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Hi again,
I used to have five neons, two albino tetras that sadly have been dyed pink (I bought them not knowing about what they do to tetras and to my later disgust realized that the pet store person knew about what they do to tetras but she never told me until I asked her about it. Her reaction was "so what"). I also have two other fish I think are tetras but don't know which type. Also two tiny Danios, a tiny cat fish and a bottom feeder.
Two questions:
1 How do I 'upload' a really good photos of my mystery tetras so you can id it? (Frankly the person at the pet store doesn't seem to give a damn about the fish she sells or know much either.)
2 Most importantly, the other morning when I went to feed the fish there were two little neons missing. I have removed the rocks and the two plants and there is no sign of them. Believe me I have gone over the tank VERY carefully. They aren't hidden anywhere. They are not in the filter, in the small gravel, in the the plants----know where.
Could it be that the larger tetras or the little catfish eat them?
Thanks for any help.
1. Might of died, and got eaten up.
2. As said by above post.
I do reccomend you get one more danio, as danios prefer to be in school of 6.
1 How do I 'upload' a really good photos of my mystery tetras so you can id it? (Frankly the person at the pet store doesn't seem to give a damn about the fish she sells or know much either.)

Follow link in my sig.

2 Most importantly, the other morning when I went to feed the fish there were two little neons missing. I have removed the rocks and the two plants and there is no sign of them. Believe me I have gone over the tank VERY carefully. They aren't hidden anywhere. They are not in the filter, in the small gravel, in the the plants----know where.
Could it be that the larger tetras or the little catfish eat them?

Most likely is that they have died from poor water conditions in your tank then ended up shredded through the filter or eaten by your other fish. There is a chance they may have been attcked by your other tetras. Serpae Tetras can be quite nasty little buggers sometimes.

Also, it would helpful to know tank size and water stats to offer further suggestions. For example, tetras really need to be kept in schools of 6+ members. Danios ditto. And both really need at least a 24" tank as theyre quite active. If not kept under these conditions then undoubtedly they will live shorter less happy lives and be under stress which can lead to unexplained deaths and aggression towards each other.


I'm trying to 'attach' a picture of my mystery tetra for your ID.
Not sure I know what I'm doing though.
picture works but i don't know the identiy but as said with the neons they could of died then been eaten, could you get a picture of your catfish and bottom feeder too so we can identify them :good:
Thanks for the help.
The water conditions in my tank are: ph-6.0 (I've given up on adding 'drops' every day to get to 7.0)
The amonia is stable at '0'.
The tank is very clear and clean looking.
The little cat fish is only about half an inch long.
I think two of the little neons were 'sickly' when I got them.
All the other fish seem to be doing fine.
It seems I was able to upload a picture of the 'mystery' tetras? Any help in IDing them would be great.

Here's the little cat fish. Any help with 'IDing' it?
now he is a cory cat, you'll have to post in the catfish section under corydoras to get the exact identity of the lil fellow, and they prefer to be in groups, how big is your tank?
Your tetra is a flame tetra and your cory looks like a sterbai. As for your neons, I'm pretty sure they are still in your tank. I've been through the same, wondering what may have happened to their body, and then I find them. :( I hope you find them soon!
Hi again,
I used to have five neons, two albino tetras that sadly have been dyed pink (I bought them not knowing about what they do to tetras and to my later disgust realized that the pet store person knew about what they do to tetras but she never told me until I asked her about it.


I've got to ask (because basically I don't know), what do Neons do to Tetras?


neons are a type of tetra if thats what you mean

Doh! Of course they are, sorry new to all this. The thing that I was wondering about was the 'I used to have five neons, two albino tetras that sadly have been dyed pink (I bought them not knowing about what they do to tetras' statement. Who does what to who? All exciting this, or am I looking in to it too much :hyper:

oh think thats on about the discuting people out there that stick needles into fish and inject dye, of the hundreds the do it to, only a few douzen survive, they think its cool to have a shoal of multicoloured fish, the LFS should inform anyone buying them but most fail to do so, so inoccent people end up with dyed fish, i personally have never seen on in real life, don't know what i'd do if i did though :crazy:

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