Missing Neons?

oh think thats on about the discuting people out there that stick needles into fish and inject dye, of the hundreds the do it to, only a few douzen survive, they think its cool to have a shoal of multicoloured fish, the LFS should inform anyone buying them but most fail to do so, so inoccent people end up with dyed fish, i personally have never seen on in real life, don't know what i'd do if i did though :crazy:

OH MY GOD!!!! That's one of the most inhuman things I have heard!!! I think I'd end up destroying the LFS if I found out that they even had anything to do with that kind of thing :angry:

Jesus some people!!! I know this might sound bizare but I think that I'm even going off eating fish since I have been interesting in fishkeeping :rolleyes: and I'm not even through my fishless cycle yet :hyper: Anyone else had that feeling?

I've gone off eating cats AND fish since I got my catfish. LOL LOL
i've had fish since i was 5 now 16 but have never stopped eating fish, as long as its not one i have raised :lol:
i've had fish since i was 5 now 16 but have never stopped eating fish, as long as its not one i have raised :lol:

Then it's just me :crazy: My girlfriend thinks I'm silly, but I asked if she would still eat lamb if she had sheep as pets (as her mother has them) and she gave me the typical 'well that's different' hee hee, the bike ride back from the shops was a very silent one :good: If only I knew it was that simple hee hee hee :rolleyes:

Your catfish looks more like a

Corydoras trilineatus (3 lined armoured catfish) to me

The Tetra definitely look like a Hyphessobrycon flammeus (flame tetra) although from what i've read it's very peaceful so can't imagine it would attack your neons.


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