Missing Fish


New Member
Dec 23, 2005
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Hi, my rosy barb has gone missing. I have checked everywhere and cannot see her. the other fish are not big enough to eat her! is it ok to leave the tank going or should i completely gut the tank to find her?
How long has the fish been missing, have you looked in the filter, remove ornaments to check.
How long has the fish been missing, have you looked in the filter, remove ornaments to check.

I only have a vase and 5 plants....the vase i cannot see in but if she isnt in there then i dont know where she is, im just woried if she's dead somewhere i cant see then as the fish rots or whatever they do, then will it afect the water.
Has the fish jumped out of the tank, look every where as it surprising how far they can get, you don't wan't a rotting fish in the tank, so you will have to look every where.
Have you looked inside the vase? Filter?

Is not in the filter and cant get out of the tank......will have to look in vase tomorrow

have just put in new Juwel 3D rock backgrounds in the tank, but did not leave any gap to the rear of these so have ruled that out....
So no gaps where the wires come through as you will be surprised how little of an opening for a fish to get out, sure the fish didn't jump out while adding the juwel background.
So no gaps where the wires come through as you will be surprised how little of an opening for a fish to get out, sure the fish didn't jump out while adding the juwel background.

they wont get out believe me.......she was there after the backgrounds were done......
So no gaps where the wires come through as you will be surprised how little of an opening for a fish to get out, sure the fish didn't jump out while adding the juwel background.

they wont get out believe me.......she was there after the backgrounds were done......

I would just yank the stuff up to look for her, she could of got stuck deep inside the plants. Believe me its not a pretty site when you yank up a plant and a half decayed fish comes out and touches you. :sick:
So no gaps where the wires come through as you will be surprised how little of an opening for a fish to get out, sure the fish didn't jump out while adding the juwel background.

they wont get out believe me.......she was there after the backgrounds were done......

I would just yank the stuff up to look for her, she could of got stuck deep inside the plants. Believe me its not a pretty site when you yank up a plant and a half decayed fish comes out and touches you. :sick:

the plants aint that big yet! the only place i have to check is in the vase.
So no gaps where the wires come through as you will be surprised how little of an opening for a fish to get out, sure the fish didn't jump out while adding the juwel background.

they wont get out believe me.......she was there after the backgrounds were done......

I would just yank the stuff up to look for her, she could of got stuck deep inside the plants. Believe me its not a pretty site when you yank up a plant and a half decayed fish comes out and touches you. :sick:

the plants aint that big yet! the only place i have to check is in the vase.

Found them...........had to gut the whole tank tho :-(

dead....... :-(
Sorry R.I.P.
I had some clowns before who vanished. I couldn't understand where they went until I saw one squeezing his way out of the bottom vents on the built in Juwel filter. When I took out the sponges, there were 3 others in there. I couldn't believe they could squeeze in through such tiny gaps. Bizarre..

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