Minimum Tank Size


Fish Crazy
Jun 9, 2007
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So, I'm thinking of going nano and wondering, before I buy anything, whether I can keep a Synchiropus splendidus in a nano. What is the minimum tank size for a Mandarin? I havn't done a lot of research on these fellows (currently reading the pinned topics in the forum and trying to fathom the whole marine concept [this is going to be my first marine tank]) but from what I read I figured you can only keep them in a mature tank at least an year old.
You are right about keeping them in a mature tank. Idealy the tank they were in would also require a refugium with lots of live rock and macro algaes for copepods production. Because of their small-ish size, they don't need a big tank HOWEVER the main problem is cultivating large amounts of copepods for them to eat. This is why it's a must to have a refugium and large foot-print of tank space. A 50gallon with a good refugium should be enough.
I'd wait to hear what others have to say though.
There have been people to cultivate pods in small bottles in a similar way to keeping brine shrimp, then dosing a nano tank with pods. Therefore you COULD keep a mandarin dragonet in a tank of say 12 gallons...I don't recommend it. I agree that 50 gallons is a good minimum for a mandarin, and either a refugium or an already well established colony of copods along with chaeto growth is entirely necessary. You could also run two small tanks that are completely separate from each other, and switch balls of chaeto from each tank every two weeks or so, therefore giving the copods time to thrive free of predation.
mines eats frozen and is doing well in a 15 gallon so far, as long as they readily accept frozen there not a huge problem. but i think she will like her upgrade to a 100 gallon after christmas much more.
make sure someone has had success with there method of nano keeping and mandarin for more than 6 months, any less isnt a garunteed success. I would stick to a 50 gallon with fuge and no pod eating competition as well as other ways to help your pod population.
make sure someone has had success with there method of nano keeping and mandarin for more than 6 months, any less isnt a garunteed success. I would stick to a 50 gallon with fuge and no pod eating competition as well as other ways to help your pod population.

anyless then its average lifespan isnt a success really!

i vote 50 gallon as well though, because alot of mandarins are damn hard to feed, spotted are reported to be easier to feed on frozen though.
Mandarins do not belong in nano tanks. I"m sorry....and this always stirs up a dither. They may survive in the short run but the majority starve. You must have a system setup to feed them Shibby's mandarin is an exception, but, I don't know how long shibby's had the mandarin. SH
Thanks a lot guys. Point tanken ; tank size < 50 gal = no mandarin. :sad:
heh..but no mandarin shall escape me...I'm going to start small since this is going to be my first SW tank. Later I might upgrade to a larger tank and then....muhahaha :shifty:
Hah, no worries...anyone who starts small with marine ends up upgrading after atleast a year...I'm willing to bet $50 you'll have atleast a 50g in a year :D
yeah, it happened to me, planning a 4 side viewable 37 gallon cube for myself....
Ok, I'll keep in mind to ask the LFS to show they eat frozen. Thanks for the help guys!
and it would be a good thing to buy the food that the mandarin is eating.

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