minimalistic tank


Gettin back into it all after 4 yrs off
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
stoke on trent, midlands, uk
yup... its minimal plants and decor atm waiting till the 30th to get some live plants again sick of my plastic ones espesh in my 3ft (thats goin soon anyways iv sold it)
cant seem to get my desired effect with plastic anymore :(

so this is what it looks like atm

if u wanna know how it used to looke then have a look at the large tank fish of the month comp

i need to have some ideas for live plants, my crabs lawnmower anythin in the tank thats green (yes they have trie dit with the plasic)

**edit**can anyone give me some names on plants that only need 30watts of light


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How many gallons is the tank? The important thing is the number of watts per gallon of light. Ie, if it's a 30 gallon tank you have 1 watt per gallon.
If in inches then it is 47 gall UK or about 42 gall UK after typical displacement.

I would class 30w over 42 gall as fairly low lighting so you need to look for plants which will be OK in those conditions. You also want to look for fast growing plants to keep up with the crabs. A good place to look is the Tropica web site as they list a large number of aquatic plants with the conditions required, etc.

Some you can look at are Ceratophyllum demersum, Cryptocoryne crispatula, Cryptocoryne wendtii, Echinodorus, Egeria densa, Hydrocotyle leucocephala, Sagittaria subulata, Vallisneria americana.

HTH, Eddie

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