Mini spawn fry adoption

Hey Synirr!
I have two questions about the bettas.

1) What are you feeding them right now? So far, I've only see Emerald eat his blood worms.

2) I'm probably gonna get a 10 gallon and divide it three ways, would the bettas be able to get through?

It's sorta funny, my smallest betta, before I got yours, looked, well, small! But once your babies came, he looked like a giant, I have the tanks right next to each other. He dosen't seem to mind the babies in the tank next to him, he just looks at them for a few seconds, then turns around, and flares at Marco (my other betta). beautiful beebees :wub:
Auratus, I got two red boys like that too from Synirr.
Aren't their fins just so gorgeous? :wub:
OA, Shy lil' Rocket is too cute! :wub:
haha Synirr,
I can't wait for my babies, I wish I could have gotten them sooner, but I'm sure now they are actually big enough to handle such a big trip, I hope all goes well. Are you sending them tomorrow?
Synirr said:
wuvmybetta said:
awww, you're  shipping out babies already  :wub:  :wub:
How awesome  :wub:

Fun packing them up and waiting, isn't it?  :look:
Oh God yes. I'll be on pins and needles until I know they've arrived safely. Makes me squirm just thinking about it :p

Edit: Just to let you guys sneak a peek at what one of the juvies with full colour looks like, here's an updated pic of male #6 who is going to BrookeLea ;):

"Food?? Aw, nope. Just poo :("


I dont want to be much trouble but I would really like a couple of boys to look like this. I hope it works where i hit the quote button. Thank you so much for putting up with me and my sons crazy actions..I cant wait to get them I love them already and I dont even have them
I am literally waiting on bated breath for my little Niebelungens from Synirr. I can't wait. When I get them, I will

:drink: :kana: :kana: :kana: :clap: :clap: :drink: :beer: :beer: :kana: :kana:

Not necessarily in that order. :D

And I will send lots of pics and all will be good in the world! :band: :- :-

All this for three little :fish: :fish: :fish:

I'm being silly now and will stop. :D
Me too!!! My babies are coming next week!!! I'm so freakin' excited!!!

Doin' the fishy dance! :fish:
Actually, Synirr, I have 3 females now. What will you have to ship? I don't need a breeder. You could add what you think would make a nice diverse group.

You guys are contagious!

EDIT: Do you have more? What do you have?

Ladies: have you had any trouble with the priority shipping?

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