Mini Discus

i think im going to the fish store today. i will try to find a breeding pair and ask my lfs to reserve them for me. i dont thin the plecs will get hungry
I don't meant to be rude but i don't think you have a clue what your doing.Just because you are following peoples good advice on this forum does not mean it's all going to be plain sailing.From what i have read it seems like you know only the faintest bit about them...
cheeseyfeet- i have never kept discus before so i dont know what will happen. i have no good info other than here because my parents wont get me books, and i dont know any good sites for info. this is the best place i got so im trying the best i can. if you know so much why dont you help me out? :good: i would really appreciate it.
Mystix- what do you mean water conditions?
It's not that,you saw some discus in a shop and the next day you are suddenly deciding to buy them.Any fish requires more than a couple of days learning about tbh.Especially one such as discus.Have a look around on profiles and google care for discus etc.And have a look at this;#entry1594981 .Once you have done that.Any final questions can be answered.Thats the best way! Also back on the mini discus part, maybe they are stunted and thats why they are advertising them as 'mini'? :shout:
actually it isnt that i just saw them and wanted them. i have wanted them for a long time, ever since i first went into my lfs. now that i am restarting my tank i have decided, why not attack my dream if you know what i mean. i am going to try to find out more about them but i have been doing some research on them. but i know that i am going to need help because two (or more) minds are always better than one. would really like your help if you would offer it :rolleyes: :good:

didnt see the link. i was just looking at that. will read the entire thing in a sec. it looks really good :good:
actually it isnt that i just saw them and wanted them. i have wanted them for a long time, ever since i first went into my lfs. now that i am restarting my tank i have decided, why not attack my dream if you know what i mean. i am going to try to find out more about them but i have been doing some research on them. but i know that i am going to need help because two (or more) minds are always better than one. would really like your help if you would offer it :rolleyes: :good:

Lol i am not trying to attack your dream.I dived in and got 10 discus all at once [well nearly]and ended up with stunted discus because i could not keep up with doing the water changes.A forum is not for asking every single question about one kind of fish.There are plenty of profiles and good articles floating around on google.I can't give you any more help with that really [other than i have given you in the other post].Anyway some top tips on husbandry lol.

1.Feed atleast 3 times daily, 5 x for optimun growth.As you feed more times daily do not increase the qauntity, but instead feed the same amount in smaller portions each feeding.
2.Do as many water changes as you can.I personally do 50 % weekly but i wish i could do more.Aim for water changes atleast every 4 days for juvies.
3.Vary the diet
4.Provide loads of cover and shade for them to hide
5.Try and keep discus tanks all discus.There best tank mate is each other.
My article and others should cover about everything. :good:
so i have one big question which i dont really know has been answered
should i just try and find a pair or should i get 5 little small ones, then once a pair forms take the other three back?
and is it okay for them to be with, 1 candy striped pleco, 1 king tiger (king gypsy) pleco, 1 leopard frog pleco, and 5-6 black skirt tetras?
thanks so much :good:

Excellent site, I use it everyday just for fun. They have lots of fish/reptiles/ any pet you can think of, sort of. They arent a chain store and are real friendly. The owner has been with fish for 37 years.
If you buy 5 juvenilles, they will not pair before they are pretty near full grown, which will be when they are already far too big for your tank.
Discus need super-clean water, with low nitrates, particulatly juvenilles; if you can't provide this they will AT BEST become stunted. If this happens you're unlikely to be able to return them to a reputable LFS. In an over-crowded tank, this will happen.
If you buy a pair, you have to make sure they are a proven breeding pair, and not just two discus, otherwise they will fight and one /both is likely to become stressed and die. most LFS will not have proven pairs in as they are just too expensive. There is also a really good potential to be ripped off buying a proven pair in this way. Could you maybe try classified adverts etc instead? Please be aware how much a good, genuine proven breeding pair can cost though.
It's really frustrating when you have your heart set on something like this to realise how tough the situation is. Honestly, I would really really recommend lots of research and saving up for a bigger tank. You could also have a look at a website called for more info.
This kind of stuff has been posted on here so many times before, please search the forum for discus and read everything you can find. Also use Google for more info, spend time researching and decide if discus are right for you. Some thoughts:

1. Do you know about cycling? I was surprised about your comment of emptying your tank and saying in a week it will be ready for discus. If you don't have access to matured filters or a way to keep them mature then you will need to recycle the tank again. Discus should not be added to newly cycled tanks!

2. You'll need to match the water parameters of your supplier for best success. Research ph, and hardness, and the use of RO water. Ph 7 or under and soft water are required IMO, though will find people selling and keeping discus kept in hard water they just don't seem to do so well.

3. Find a decent supplier to buy your discus from. As your a newbie I would suggest fish around 4" are best ( less chance of stunting them, and they will settle in better). Be prepared to spend around £50 per fish for a nice one, though prices do vary slightly.

4. You'll need to keep them at or near 30C, make sure your heater can cope with this.

5. Be prepared for the water changes and maintenance. Running your own RO filter can sometimes be a pain and it's easy to skip water changes. Be prepared for 2 - 3 a week min, more so in your size tank with plecos I would suggest.

6. You can't sex discus, until you see them breeding.

7. If your LFS has told you they have 'mini' discus they are either ignorant or lieing, either way find another supplier!
This kind of stuff has been posted on here so many times before, please search the forum for discus and read everything you can find. Also use Google for more info, spend time researching and decide if discus are right for you. Some thoughts:

1. Do you know about cycling? I was surprised about your comment of emptying your tank and saying in a week it will be ready for discus. If you don't have access to matured filters or a way to keep them mature then you will need to recycle the tank again. Discus should not be added to newly cycled tanks!

2. You'll need to match the water parameters of your supplier for best success. Research ph, and hardness, and the use of RO water. Ph 7 or under and soft water are required IMO, though will find people selling and keeping discus kept in hard water they just don't seem to do so well.

3. Find a decent supplier to buy your discus from. As your a newbie I would suggest fish around 4" are best ( less chance of stunting them, and they will settle in better). Be prepared to spend around £50 per fish for a nice one, though prices do vary slightly.

4. You'll need to keep them at or near 30C, make sure your heater can cope with this.

5. Be prepared for the water changes and maintenance. Running your own RO filter can sometimes be a pain and it's easy to skip water changes. Be prepared for 2 - 3 a week min, more so in your size tank with plecos I would suggest.

6. You can't sex discus, until you see them breeding.

7. If your LFS has told you they have 'mini' discus they are either ignorant or lieing, either way find another supplier!

Good advice there.I agree try and do some other research. :good: Also most people [well i do and the breeder who sold them to me stated this also] reccomend to have your tank running for atleast 4 weeks before adding any discus just to make sure all the levels are safe.
Good advice there.I agree try and do some other research. :good: Also most people [well i do and the breeder who sold them to me stated this also] reccomend to have your tank running for atleast 4 weeks before adding any discus just to make sure all the levels are safe.

You probably know this, but incase the OP doesn't running a tank for 4 weeks achieves nothing. There needs to a source of ammonia for the cycle to happen in the first place, and for your filter to stay matured when leaving the tank empty for any length of time. Never ever attempt to cycle a tank with discus, you'll be making a very expensive mistake!

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