Mind Checking This Over?

Is this overstocking?

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Really I read 2-3 would be fine :shock: I'll go see on planetcatfish.
I found that groups of 2+ are preferred, so 3 should do, correct?

This good or what else needs changing?
2 Molly
1 platy
4-6 cherry barbs
2 Bolivian rams
15-17 espeis rasbora
1 L200 green phantom plec
2 or 3 pitbull plecs
1 dwarf gourami
1 assassin snail
I summarised this earlier, but if it was me and you had to keep the existing fish in here, I would stock...

2 Molly
5/6 Platy (all same sex) or just keep your existing singleton
8 Cherry Barbs
2 Bolivian Rams or an Apistogramma or Keyholes
6 Pitbull Plecos

With your existing midwater fish rehomed or removed, I would do something like...
6 Pencilfish (eg. N. beckfordi)
8 X-Ray Tetra
2 Dwarf cichlids
6 Pitbull Plecos
No offense to you, but I don't really like how those stock lists look.
I'm also basing my stock on availability. I can't readily get too many types of fish.
Only certain ones. Mainly just the common types. My LFS is 45 minutes away so I usually go to petco or petsmart only about 5-10 minutes away.
All I wanna know now :good:

This good or what else needs changing?
2 Molly
1 platy
4-6 cherry barbs
2 Bolivian rams
15-17 espeis rasbora
1 L200 green phantom plec
2 or 3 pitbull plecs
1 dwarf gourami
1 assassin snail
Looks OK to me, only thing that caught my eye was the L200, would it not find it's territorial sooner or later and perhaps get a bit iffy with the pitbulls? I don't know a lot about L200s but I do know that all plecos get grumpier as they get older :p There isn't enough stock there for it to get out of hand too quickly, though.
Ayyyyyyyy I just found out that pitbulls are $12.99 each at my LFS!!! Ughhhhhhhhhh now I'm mad! Any other algae eaters that are peaceful? They're still an idea but I'd only get 2 at that price. My L200 is $30 and he's the jewel of the tank (along with my bolivians)
Ayyyyyyyy I just found out that pitbulls are $12.99 each at my LFS!!! Ughhhhhhhhhh now I'm mad! Any other algae eaters that are peaceful? They're still an idea but I'd only get 2 at that price. My L200 is $30 and he's the jewel of the tank (along with my bolivians)

I'm very surprised that I am still the only one that has mentioned being very uncomfortable with the thought of an L200, which should reach ~15cm or 19cm (depending on type, excluding their tail size) in a tank with a 79x34cm footprint. Having said that, very few replies raised concerns of SAEs being too big for this tank either, which should reach ~15cm SL.
Ayyyyyyyy I just found out that pitbulls are $12.99 each at my LFS!!! Ughhhhhhhhhh now I'm mad! Any other algae eaters that are peaceful? They're still an idea but I'd only get 2 at that price. My L200 is $30 and he's the jewel of the tank (along with my bolivians)

I'm very surprised that I am still the only one that has mentioned being very uncomfortable with the thought of an L200, which should reach ~15cm or 19cm (depending on type, excluding their tail size) in a tank with a 79x34cm footprint. Having said that, very few replies raised concerns of SAEs being too big for this tank either, which should reach ~15cm SL.

Well their won't be a whole load of bottom feeders, the tank's more than likely not a high tank and I understand that plecos are poop machines but Man of Fish comes across as somebody willing to do a larger/more frequent water changes if need be. I'm confident they've taken their filtration rates into account. 15-19cm is doable in that size tank I believe and I was considering an L200 before I decided on a group of 5 cories and a BN. Personally I would leave the bottom feeding fish at the L200 and get some snails or shrimp to consume algae and other microorganisms in the tank.
Well, I can no longer get the L200, as they've all been sold. I told him to be on the lookout for an L015, an L128, or another L200.

The tank is 31x 14 x 19 (about 78 x 35 x 48 in cm) and I've been told that an L200 would work fine in another thread.

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