Mind Checking This Over?

Is this overstocking?

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Maybe this would work?

2 Molly
1 platy
6 cherry barbs
2 Bolivian rams
15 espeis rasbora
1 L200 green phantom plec
3 sparkling gourami, or maybe matbled hatchet fish?
1 assassin snail

If that won't work I think I'll stick to my original plan :good:

I'd personally go with the hatchets, rather than the gouramis, less hassle. Also you wouldn't want only a couple of guppies, 5 or more generally keeps the boisterousness (if there is such a word) within the group. My 2 guppies chase the rest of the tank around a lot.
Yeah I know. I don't love them so I'd only get them if I had room.

How many hatchets could I do with all the other fish?
I personally think you are trying to put too much into this tank, bearing in mind it is a 29 US gallon (110l). I'm guessing that the tank dimensions are 30"x12"x18" (so it is deeper, rather than a bigger footprint)?

  • Long term, that is going to be too small for ~15cm SAE, as well as your L200 (which could reach just under 20cm).
  • Which L200 are you after, "Bary" or "Hemi"? The latter grows bigger and PlanetCatfish suggest the "Hemi" does far better in a high current tank.
  • I'd be concerned about adding Hatchetfish to this tank, because of the feeding frenzy antics I associate with Mollies and Platties.

In your shoes, I would think about simply adding more Cherry Barbs and maybe the Platties (for a single sex group only, otherwise you will have fry issues), or removing/rehoming your existing midwater fish (so you could then buy a suitable group or two that you really want in there). For an algae eater, I'd add some Nerite Snails rather than a fish singleton or group. For a catfish, I would loook for something that stays under 10cm and is not a "messy" BN.
I read 6 for the hatchets, but it said they only get 1.5" and have a low bioload, so would that mean I could have a group of 6 with the intended stock list? This one:
2 Molly
1 platy
6 cherry barbs
2 Bolivian rams
15 espeis rasbora
1 L200 green phantom plec
6 marbled hatchet fish?
1 assassin snail
I read 6 for the hatchets, but it said they only get 1.5" and have a low bioload, so would that mean I could have a group of 6 with the intended stock list? This one:
2 Molly
1 platy
6 cherry barbs
2 Bolivian rams
15 espeis rasbora
1 L200 green phantom plec
6 marbled hatchet fish?
1 assassin snail

hatchetfish are pretty skittish and I used to keep them. I had 15 in my other tank before they stopped jumping and/or hiding in the tank.
Oh ok.
The L200 I'm after is a hi-fin so will only get to 6", but not sure what Bary or Hemi are. My footprint is 31" x 13 1/2" x 19" it's a little bigger than it was when I bought it I guess. I'll shove that in a calculator see what I get. Maybe just 1 SAE then. Or what's the minimum tank size for SAE? I guess no hatchets, so I may just resort back to my original plan or second plan with sparkling and only 1 SAE?
I'm pretty sure the one I'm after is a hemi. I'm only about 55-60% sure though, because those seem more common.
Ok, so I guess no SAE then. I don't really like snails, so is there any other algae eaters I could have?
I'm pretty sure the one I'm after is a hemi. I'm only about 55-60% sure though, because those seem more common.
Ok, so I guess no SAE then. I don't really like snails, so is there any other algae eaters I could have?

Otos, Bristlenose or Bulldog plecos - you've still got a lot of choices.
Maybe I could do 2 bulldogs vs 2 SAE?
I'm pretty sure the one I'm after is a hemi. I'm only about 55-60% sure though, because those seem more common.
Ok, so I guess no SAE then. I don't really like snails, so is there any other algae eaters I could have?

Otos, Bristlenose or Bulldog plecos - you've still got a lot of choices.

I'd be concerned of a BN creating too much waste.

I'd be very concerned about a Bulldog Pleco (Chaetostoma) not getting enough water surface agitation and their sub-tropical temperature needs, which would give higher oxygen levels and not keep their metabolism so high.

Would Otos feel intimidated by the Mollies and Platy, especially as the former gets towards its 12cm potential?

Edit: And Bulldog Plecs are not true algae eaters, they graze over algae stones in the wild to eat the critters/aufwuchs that live amongst the algae. My Chaetostoma milesi will actively choose Tetra Prima/ meaty sinking pellets/ defrosted bloodworm and alike over Hikari algae wafers.
"Giant Otos" which includes Hypoptopoma spp. would be one option, typically ~7cm and they need tropical temps. They are nowhere near as social as Otocinclus spp. though, I used to have three Hypoptopoma (sp.2 I think) and the males especially were territorial, trying to latch onto each other's body around the dorsal fin.

A more social option might be a group of Pitbull Plecos or their contaminants (Parotocinclus spp.).
Ahhhhh that's what I was thinking when he said bulldogs! Pitbulls!!!! How'd 2 pitbulls be?
I believe Pitbulls are quite social, like Corydoras, so a group of 6+ would be much better.

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