Miles' Fishless Cycle

Our test seems to be doing something silly with the ammonia reading - it never shows 0 (bright yellow) for the last week or so the "zero" readings have subjectively felt more like 0.1 r 0.2 - certainly not .25 but not zero either. Due to the basically unlikely results we've been treating as zero.

Is this the API issue which has caused some to recommend a different test?

Is this the API issue which has caused some to recommend a different test?
Some people recommend the Salifert tests as more reliable, although in pratice, they look like they are about 4.5 times more expensive per test.
I guess it depends on how often you test.. I can't say anything for accuracy of either one..
We're still having the issue with the ammonia never going bright yellow however yesterday it didn't even get to the "0.1" estimate that we're calling 0 at the moment so no dose, however it was recovering from the full 4ppm we gave the tank on the day before.
Now to see how long it takes to process the full whack given tonight :)
The Nitrate is rather more than 80 however hopefully this will not cause a stall.
Have you done any water changes? If not, do a 95% one with dechlorinated, temperature matched water.. that could help your cycle finish.
I think it will from a number of points: it will top-up any minerals which the bacteria are using up; lower your nitrates (high nitrates may cause problems); re-buffer the water (if you do not add a buffer). Make sure new water is dechlorinated and temperature matched before it goes in the tank!
still going :) Looking forward to when our reluctant bacteria get their bottoms in gear and actually process the nitrite in 12 hours. It'll probably happen just before we go on leave so we'll be buying fish towards the end of August I suspect :)
Why is your pH reading all over the place? Are you adding bicarbonate of soda? And to be honest, I'd do a few more water changes until the nitrates are properly low.. maybe one down to the gravel every day, for a few days.
God knows what's going on with the pH. It's base position seems to be 8.0 however occasionally it drops to 7.4 (always 7.4 and always in the morning). I have no idea what is going on!!! We've never added any bicarb and my wife is a pretty good scientist so I can rule out procedural error.

On the Nitrates you'll notice that it was 80 straight after a water change. I neglected to test the water which we were adding to the tank but tested the next day a sample showed 20 or 40ppm.

We'll happily do big water changes if you think it'll help, though not tonight as we're both shattered and I've got to get ready for the school fete tomorrow where my committee is running a stall and my car is on display... :)

I think you are reading your test results in different light, because you get the "low" pH in the mornings, and "high" pH in the evenings.. it makes me wonder if you're misreading the ammonia and nitrite too.. maybe try reading the tests under consistent lighting?

It is best to use natural light whenever possible.
we are using natural light. The kitchen / dinner is bathed in the stuff and that is one of the reasons we settled on 08:00 and 20:00 as they would both have good natural light.

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