Mikrogeophagus Ramirez


Mar 23, 2008
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Simple question, how hard are GBR Rams to keep and maintain. I know they need low Ph, Soft water, and discus temps.
Depends where it's from imo, i've had gbr survive mass ammonia spikes but in another tank i've been trying to get a female for my male and they just keep dying off on me.

They've been weak breeds though i think, some coming with parasites n stuff too :blink:
Ok, ones at LFS look very healthy and full, and all are veey colorful. They have2 EB Rams im ooking at that are very bright and active

Ok, ones at LFS look very healthy and full, and all are veey colorful. They have2 EB Rams im ooking at that are very bright and active
EBs are a cool little fish, but will be even more sensitive. I think i just replied to your other thread actually lol
Don't buy Blue Ram's unless you can get wild caught stock or stock that is within the first few generations of breeding from wild Ram's, the intensely farmed specimens we see nowadays are just terrible examples of fish.
No, these fish aren't like what I usually see, I do believe my LFS has switched to a different supplier, because now they have many different Rasboras, brackish fish, rainbows, tetras like Emperors and Penguins, and etc. Fish are very colorful and active, rams especially.
I personally chose to go with Bolivian rams instead of GBR's for the whole rason that the blue-y's always seem to be such poor examples and tend to simply die whenever I have had them.

Bring water hardness down with RO water to see these little guys in their best colouration even if bred in hard water areas. Some beautiful yellows and reds.
Suggest to keep only one male with 2 or 3 femals as they can get stressed very easily. Also, water needs to be very clean and well maintained. Beautiful fish and great to watch. Would recommend to keep with smaller species if in community tank. I have a wild couple and colours are exeptional if looked after well.
I find rams a royal pain in the #17#####, i had one male that survived for about a year once, all the others i tried over the last 15 odd years never last long at all, they are definitely not for the average community tank.
I have to admit I am really tempted by these Electric Blues that are around now - just incredible fish. IMO one of the best man made fish. I think to trust it for any amount of success I would want almond leaves in the water and the high temps suggested for them.

Also is it just me or since the EBJD have fish breeders started spotting the "blue" gene in fish a lot more?

Well, they ran out of Rams before I got there, but I did get 4 angels, 2 clown plecos, and 10 emperor Tetras. I guess I'm gonna just go with getting more tetras. My money has now been dwindled down to 3 dollars

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