Mikes P F K Nano

Ill keep my fingers and toes crossed that you get the thread algae sorted :) One tip, swap the nutrafin canister at night after lights out, then the short term partial unstable CO2 issue will be over night and less of an issue :)

Haven't updated this in a while...

A lot has happened to this tank. I removed the HC and HM a while ago and replaced the background with Rotala rotundifolia. There is a blank space of sand in the foreground and it is surrounded by riccia, glossostigma, hairgrass, downoi and also I have replaced the rocks with wood. Everything's in an OK shape apart from the background needs to grow in a bit more. I have just finished a trimming.

I also upgraded the lighting to a PC 36 watt T5 and a reflector, subsequently I upped the CO2 input and now I change the yeat based system every 3 days.

I just came back to algae yesterday after 2 weeks in California. In San Francisco I went to a fish store which specializes in High-tech planted tanks. They are a major seller of ADA goods and the tanks were absoloutely stunning. I had a long chat with the owners and they took pity on me for living in the UK, where ADA goods are scarce, so they gave me a free ADA catologue and a free Aquajournal on 60cm tanks (which is my next project). I bought some Aquasoil Amazonia powder and special sand, it cost approx. 1/3 off the price as normal, I wanted to buy more, but couldn't due to the weight of the bag at the airport...

That brings me to my next Idea, I'm setting up a 60cm tank next, with ADA substrate, 2 PC 36 watt T5's, EI dosing and if I can afford it pressurised CO2. I should be doing it after I feel as if this nano is finally a good scape. I will borrow some things from this tank, like lighting, plants, and CO2 diffusers.

Hopefully I can get some pics up tonight...


PS. Sorry fpr the late replies!
I'm jealous of your trip to SF. Was it Aqua Forest? Did you see George Lo?

Did you get any photos of the shop?

Look forward to updates on this tank too.
Yeah, it was Aqua forest Aquarium. A small but very nice store. The tanks were truly stunning. I only met George Lo briefly as I was talking to another staff member, however George Lo did give me the free Aqua journal.

Sorry I didn't get any pics, I forgot to bring a camera, but seeing the proper nature aquarium tanks up close is far more stunning than on a picture.

It took my family a lot of persuasion to get there, but definitely well worth the visit.
I just realised that the Aquasoil I purchased was actually series 2! An added bonus!

This is their website.

They have some very nice tanks as you will see.

Here is a pic:



The Blue Background is Awesome It also matches your wall perfectly so it's as if you don't have a background AT ALL!

Thanks guys,

Actually the blue background IS my wall, very convienient actually.

It looks very very good Mike, really well done.
It looks very very good Mike, really well done.

Thanks Liam, although not as good as your wonderful moss tank. ;)

i was just wondering what plants u have in their as they are very nice andd i am thinking of starting up a nano 5 gallon


The plants are Pogostemon helferi, which is the focus plant, Riccia (fluitans), Elocharis vivipara, Rotala rotunifolia and a small amount of Glossostigma (elatiniodes).

Goodluck with your tank, I'm sure it'll be great :)

That looks absolute quality mate :) I think the scape of the plants works really well, and the small beach area at the front adds a nice look to the whole thing. Keep it up matey :)

That looks absolute quality mate :) I think the scape of the plants works really well, and the small beach area at the front adds a nice look to the whole thing. Keep it up matey :)


Thanks Sam,
The main thing I'm annoyed about are the background plants Rotala rotundifolia, I'm still having problems with algae. In fact I never got over the algae issues with my HC, so just removed it and placed some sand. I think it looks better and saves less hassle.

My next adventure is the 60cm tank, I plan on this being 100% algae free...


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