Haven't updated this in a while...
A lot has happened to this tank. I removed the HC and HM a while ago and replaced the background with Rotala rotundifolia. There is a blank space of sand in the foreground and it is surrounded by riccia, glossostigma, hairgrass, downoi and also I have replaced the rocks with wood. Everything's in an OK shape apart from the background needs to grow in a bit more. I have just finished a trimming.
I also upgraded the lighting to a PC 36 watt T5 and a reflector, subsequently I upped the CO2 input and now I change the yeat based system every 3 days.
I just came back to algae yesterday after 2 weeks in California. In San Francisco I went to a fish store which specializes in High-tech planted tanks. They are a major seller of ADA goods and the tanks were absoloutely stunning. I had a long chat with the owners and they took pity on me for living in the UK, where ADA goods are scarce, so they gave me a free ADA catologue and a free Aquajournal on 60cm tanks (which is my next project). I bought some Aquasoil Amazonia powder and special sand, it cost approx. 1/3 off the price as normal, I wanted to buy more, but couldn't due to the weight of the bag at the airport...
That brings me to my next Idea, I'm setting up a 60cm tank next, with ADA substrate, 2 PC 36 watt T5's, EI dosing and if I can afford it pressurised CO2. I should be doing it after I feel as if this nano is finally a good scape. I will borrow some things from this tank, like lighting, plants, and CO2 diffusers.
Hopefully I can get some pics up tonight...
PS. Sorry fpr the late replies!