Fish Connoisseur
Just to let you know, there's pure fairy shrimp cytss on right now for cheaper, here . You get 10,000 cysts in a tiny vial, I just picked up two vials for £8.50.Erm little update...
Thanks for the info Threefingers. I will get some of those eggs. They also seem like great live food. I wonder why they aren't as popular as Brine shrimp as these seem easier to hatch?
The reason they aren't as popular as brine shrimp is because brine shrimp cysts are harvested in the billions of billions every year from massive salt lakes using boats. Fairy shrimp live in comparatively tiny, shallow temporary ponds that aren't that common, and there's much less shrimp density in these ponds since there's tonnes of predators in freshwater...including triops and even other species of fairy shrimp that grow to 10cm+ and eat smaller species. Also frogs, and in flood plains fish eat them too.
Shame about the cube...I actually saw one earlier on today and was going to buy it, but had no cash on me .
Hope the bigger one goes well and I'm looking forward to seeing it!
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