Midland Charity Fish Auctions Redditich

Arrrrr 6am already ok out the door now see u in a 5 mins
hehe had a great day guys, i missed out on a bag of 8 Channa sp.Turquoise wen't for 12pound's to a bloke from scotland,
I however did walk away with a little something :lol:
There was an amazing amount of fish,bidding wen't on from approx 11am and finished at 5pm ish :huh:
will post pics i took in pics setion,only took about 4 at the show,but took some of ricefish's fish shed :drool:
Yes it was a good day out and if you have enough money you could fill a shop!!!!!!

Loads of pencil fish, so many i was almost sick of them :)
Giant betta's from £5 each!!!!
some wild killi's sold for £30 a pair and some wild swordtails (Xiphophorus) went for £25 a pair

Then some real rare fish sold for only £3 a pair!!!!!!

But if u like killi's it's was amazing some of the fish!
Well Nelly I made a tit of myself, I said to this guy who looked like you, are you from fish forums? Nelly? Ummm nooo, must have thought i was strange! haha :lol:

I didn't buy any fish because I am stocked, but it was tempting! I bought some frogbit (bargain at £1.50 for 10), food and won on the raffle, a hug bag of food :)
hehe where were you?
i had a light blue shirt chequed shirt on sat in corner, was very nice fish eh

lucky you my numbers were 20-25,didnt even come close

I was stood near the bar most the time :fun: with my dad.

Fish were amazing! cannot believe how warm it was in there with all the bodies!

Think they raised alot of money anyway :good: will prob be in the local paper.

I left at 1.00pm, can't believe it didn't finish til 5.00pm you must be shattered!
did you pick anything up neil? When is the next 1? Will prepare for next time! 12 quid for 8 sp. turquoise! Are you pulling my plonker? Lucky scotsman!
I always kick myself when i miss good opportunities, ima kick myself twice this time!
:lol: by the bar to the left when you were looking at auction, thats our view,
actually saw a women at the bar with a tall bold man, that must have been you,was imagining short hair,silly me,your hair shoulder'ish length

someting i picked up

any idea's what it is :unsure:
did you pick anything up neil? When is the next 1? Will prepare for next time! 12 quid for 8 sp. turquoise! Are you pulling my plonker? Lucky scotsman!
I always kick myself when i miss good opportunities, ima kick myself twice this time!

Yes i did dave, you know me :lol: yes i gave myself a gd kickin :lol:
It was very quick into auction and i wasnt ready,and bottled it :rolleyes: what a muppet eh,

no dave it's a dwarf channa<hehe>keep guessing.....
I was happy i got 5 Cory longipinnis for just £9

And Ricefish got almost all the other Coryies their!!!!!
But one thing their looks to be a rush of killifish on ebay already ^_^
Firstly a big thank you to the organisers of the auction
very enjoyable day met some unique people and got some really superb fish .if you missed it try for the next one .you wont be dissapointed and i did let some people get some cory's contrary to some nasty rumours lol

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