Midland Charity Fish Auctions Redditich

Haha yes please where the hat, i def won't miss you then :) have a safe journey!
Well I will be with my dad, ermm he is bald n tall, bit of a belly haha and dunno how to explain me, young looking (i don't look 28 i mean) shoulder length light brown hair:)
haha your dads description sound's like what i imagine alot of people looking like there :lol:

this looks like a public toilet :X
:rofl: :kana: I don't imagine it will be that bad,me and alan around 31ish :shifty:
I should take my camera with me so anyone going shall be exsected to have pic's taken so we can show these people who just don't wan't to go,just how much fun we will have, :blink:

Oooh nelly could you take lots of pictures pleaste mate? Pictures of fish that stand out because of there size,looks etc. All kinds of fish mate. :good:
Have a look at mine and nell's profile it has our pic's,

Nelly will have to bring his hat though!!!!!.

Also anyone can just pop in to look around.
Their will be charity box's i'm sure
ha great wen't to bed at 12.30am,then heaven's decided to open and could not sleep because of heavy heavy rain,then about 2am the thunder and lightning started and the wind picked up something cronic,by 3.30Am i managed to sleep, yay for long sleep's,woke at 5.05am :rolleyes:
LOL i woke up at 1.10 to a massive bolt of lightening just out side. woke the misses too!!!

then back to sleep at 2am!

loads of rain so hopefully be a better day
:lol: My missus lept about 10ft when that first huge clap wen't of, i nearly died laughing<see iam good like that :shifty:
blue sky at present but there's a nice bank of grey looming on the horizion :lol:
how's trick's buddy? ok see you soon anyhoo,

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