mid swimming fish that are quarter sizeish


Fish Fanatic
Apr 15, 2004
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I've been looking for about 6-8 quarter sized fish (guppy size) to fill the mid upper part of my tank, but am having a hard time finding any that I really like, and are good in a community tank... well a semi community, there are khuli loaches a cory and a couple of the small suckers, and a female guppy for hte sole purpose of providing a live snack for the rest of hte fish every now and then.
its a 25 gallon (thought it was 20, but has 25 stamped on one end)

I know there are lots..... but I ahve NO idea what they are, something colorful owuld be nice, but not neons, they are too hmmm blah.
White Cloud mountain minnows perhaps? or mabey even blood fin tetras.

Jeff are you dislexic or are you just trying to type too fast? S-l-o-w d-o-w-n.

Un-dyed glas fish are nice for the mid levle and grow to be about a quarter sized (acctual more of a dolar coin size) and hatchet fish are nice serface dwellers.

White Cloud mountain minnows perhaps? or mabey even blood fin tetras.

Jeff are you dislexic or are you just trying to type too fast? S-l-o-w d-o-w-n.

Un-dyed glas fish are nice for the mid levle and grow to be about a quarter sized (acctual more of a dolar coin size) and hatchet fish are nice serface dwellers.

opcn said:
Jeff are you dislexic or are you just trying to type too fast? S-l-o-w d-o-w-n.

Un-dyed glas fish and hatchet fish are nice serface dwellers.

A little bit of both I think, acutally I think just to fast, I use the computer too much and get going so fast, and when, my hands are a bit cold I concentrate on them more then what I'm acutally writing.

Blood fins would be great, but I cant find any locally, might have to call around more.

What are glas fish?

I like hatches, but they are very expensive here for some reason. like 8 or 9 bucks each.
why not guppy's or if these are too common for you try the what about endlers theser are very very colourful.. :D or personally I'd go for the rummy nosed tetra if you got about 6 or more of these they schoal great in the long run I'd aim for anything over 10 personally. the look amazing especially against a darkish background... hatchets are nice but tend to stay right at the top and only venture down a little when they feel really comfortable in their surroundings :D hope this helps

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