Michael Jackson Dies

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There's the link to my bro's video. Its not very good 'cause he made it in a matter of minutes. R.I.P. MJ =' (


May thou rest in forever harmony
Throughout thou trouble's eve,
May people everywhere honor thou
Thou will be remembered for us to grieve,
Throughout thou's life, thou has done good
Sparkling interest in lives everywhere,
Thou has brought joy to lives of others
Bringing happiness as well to share,
Thou shall not be forgotten by thee
Thou shall remain in our thought,
Or thee shall be damned to eternal hell,
Thou shall not ever be forgot.

Wow, this is truely unexpected.
My dad has BBC News on now.
ts all about michael jackson on it.
I wasn't his biggest fan, but some of his tunes were amazing!
Noone deserves to die though, IMO I think the stuff he had been through in his life affected his health to much.

This really is the only way I'll remember my 17th bday. The king of pop died. Really was sad when I found out he was dead. RIP
Sorry to sound a bit negative on this and I do feel for the family circle
but wait for the autopsy I think you'll find Drugs or A Drug will be the cause of his heart failure
Just a thought
Sorry to sound a bit negative on this and I do feel for the family circle
but wait for the autopsy I think you'll find Drugs or A Drug will be the cause of his heart failure
Just a thought

thats what I've been saying to my mrs, he was suposed to be bang into his prescribbed medicines which I believe is what finally finished Elvis off aswell

Sorry to sound a bit negative on this and I do feel for the family circle
but wait for the autopsy I think you'll find Drugs or A Drug will be the cause of his heart failure
Just a thought

thats what I've been saying to my mrs, he was suposed to be bang into his prescribbed medicines which I believe is what finally finished Elvis off aswell
Well this will make me popular but who cares.

Paedophile is finally gone, good riddance to him.
Have to say I'm wondering if he's faked it to get out of the tour and financial problems....
Well this will make me popular but who cares.

Paedophile is finally gone, good riddance to him.

i agree with you mags, tho i obviously dont want to turn this into a hate thread, the less of these our children are at risk of the better!!

I also agree. I liked his music in the 80's, but it seems to me he obviously had some severe psychological issues that were never addressed. That or as his popularity waned he was doing whatever he could to stay in the spotlight.

It's sad that so many "famous" people are never treated for things because their money and status make people afraid of confronting them.
Yep Im afraid he was a bit of a freak, and hopefully now his kids can have a more normal life. They should be number 1 right now.
t's sad that so many "famous" people are never treated for things because their money and status make people afraid of confronting them.
Excellent point!
the guy was a legend in his own lifetime....strange & tortured, often misunderstood and surrounded by controversy as so many truly talented people are.

I would remind people that he was actually acquitted of any paedophilia charges, and an accusation is not a conviction in a court of law even if the media or individuals believe otherwise.

:rip: :byebye: MJ
Agree with the above post..he was cleared of all counts of child molestation in a court of law.
Why would someone with all that money want to abuse children, when he could pay for a fair few prostitues? I have never believed he had done anything like it, but yet again people are so quick to assume the worst of people just because some paper or magazine has said so. It really riles me. :angry:
And it was the press that helped a lot in his death. Although he was extremely famous, he was just like you and me, (with more money obviously) Provoke something enough and sooner or later it will happen, fame aint what its cracked upto be. He was under so much pressure to do his 50date comeback tour he was on painkillers and other prescribed medicines to help him deal with it, there are a lot of people that take anti-depressants ect yet they are not slated for it, so why should MJ be, because he is famous?
My opinion- If someone looks different, or acts in unique ways, people are scared, they dont know how to react..so they make up a load of lies and try to gain fortune and fame from it.
Everybody should just leave him to RIP, its hard enough for the family as it is without wild accusations or things from the past coming back into discussion.
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