Mi Poor Betta

I always make sure that my heater is not that far from filter so water circulates and is heating whole tank. Once you get your thermometer check to make sure it is not over 80. If it is turn down heater and keep on checking temperature. Yes you do have to get more plants, caves for the females to hide or sleep. All fish stores test water samples for free, just bring in a sample and make sure they give you the numbers. The tested water should be Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrates 5-10. If the numbers are different than this that means your tank is not cycled and you will have to change 30% of water everyday for about 6 weeks and keep on getting your water tested until you have the tank cycled. Good Luck. Next time please research better . Everytime I am thinking of getting a new type of fish I have never had before, I research for months before deciding to get one.
I always make sure that my heater is not that far from filter so water circulates and is heating whole tank. Once you get your thermometer check to make sure it is not over 80. If it is turn down heater and keep on checking temperature. Yes you do have to get more plants, caves for the females to hide or sleep. All fish stores test water samples for free, just bring in a sample and make sure they give you the numbers. The tested water should be Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrates 5-10. If the numbers are different than this that means your tank is not cycled and you will have to change 30% of water everyday for about 6 weeks and keep on getting your water tested until you have the tank cycled. Good Luck. Next time please research better . Everytime I am thinking of getting a new type of fish I have never had before, I research for months before deciding to get one.

AHHHH, MY FEMALE AND MALE IS NOT IN THE SAME TANK< THE MALE IS IN THE TANK AND THE FEMALE IS INT EH FREGGIN NET (*i'm sorry sorry*). YYeahh, but i don't know if the fish sotre i go to have water tests...big als?? do they have 'em ? (i live in canda, p;lease note!).

Anddddddddd one more thing....my net has plants

oh and mi betta's male tae is nt' that long!!!

and is it normal for a female betta to turn blue when it's original colour was black? (and then it went red, now there's blue visible)

ANNNDDD, should i buy a gravel cleaner, cuz i used a stick to push mi rocks aroudn and stuff starting floating! and is it good for my power filter to sorta destroy mi male's bubble nest? (it steals bubbles away from the nest, it's tiny, he just started yesterday)
since nobody gonna reply, i'm gonna update hwat happened, i bought a plant and three more females, i exchanged the male and the female's positioning:)
So now you have the male living in a net? You need to get another tank-my suggestion is the minibow 2.5 gallon.
if you have a wal-mart somewhere (I dont know since your in canada) they have one gallon critter keepers for 3 dollars. oh and if ur still having trouble with food hikari bio gold pellets like refuse to sink and my bettas love em'
if you have a wal-mart somewhere (I dont know since your in canada) they have one gallon critter keepers for 3 dollars. oh and if ur still having trouble with food hikari bio gold pellets like refuse to sink and my bettas love em'

i don't appreciate some ppl's attitude...

there's not much of a difference in canada

and that guy who said that he couldn't stand me...why did u even post if u can't stand me, why are you thanking ppl, i can thank myself!! goossshhhh

and, can bettas turn into stressed and unstressed in like 10 seconds? that's what i witnessed...ummmm...

...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, i do'nt get why the male can't live in the net!!!! oh, he's making a big bubble nest btw...should i realse him in the tank like...2 weeks later?

ohhhh...btw, can somebody show me a picture of a pregnant betta fish?

btwL THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE AND KINDNESS (and realize that not the same ppl post..duh>_<, )
For the love of fish, do not release the male back into the tank. You do not need to be breeding them, since you obviously do not even know how to care for just a few of them properly, nor will you even take the advice of all the lovely people here who are taking the time out of their day to try and help you.


You could use a large pickle jar...anything.

cliffy, you have three pages of replies, all with the exact same advice. Get the male his own tank (at least 1 gallon) and get some Hikari Betta Bio Gold pellets for them to eat. The male cannot live in the net because it is too small. He needs at least a gallon of his OWN swimming space. If left in with the females, he WILL attack them.

Also, there was no reason to be rude to platyfreak. He simply did not know how many Wal-Marts were in Canada. He was not trying to give you any attitude.

If you are not going to listen to three pages worth of the exact same advice, then why do you keep posting? You are just going to hear the same thing over and over again, no matter how you rephrase your questions.
If you are not going to listen to three pages worth of the exact same advice, then why do you keep posting? You are just going to hear the same thing over and over again, no matter how you rephrase your questions.
Exactly. No one on this forum is going to tell you what you want to hear.
I'm just curious... what are the dimensions of the Net Breeder? Length x Width x Height. Can the male see the females and can the females see the male?
This is starting to get really pathetic and is pissing me off. Put the male in a different tank. Simple. Do it. Otherwise most likely he will be stressed to death. Do you want your fish to die? No? gooood, now get him his own tank-or a 1 gallon or more jar with water changes. Do you want help from people on this forum? Yes? GOOOD then accept it. Did you post here asking for help? Yes? Cool, we helped, you take it. Stop being stubborn about it and suck it up. No one on this forum was giving you an attitude until you started giving us one.
So PLEASE, put the male in his own tank. Would you enjoy living in a cage? I know I wouldn't
Hi Cliffy,
I havent replied to this thread before but I have just been reading back to the start of it. I think the best thing you can do,( it is obvious to me that you are very interested in tropical fish and that you care for them, or you wouldnt keep asking for advice.)

Why dont you just have the females in your tank. Either remove the male and take him back to your local fish shop or sell him on here or to friend. I am sure there is somehwere you can advertise him ...local shop or ask friends to see if they can rehome him. He will make a bubble nest in the net if he can see the females round him it is instinct not just because he is happy.

Can you imagine yourself in your male bettas place and how much size he has got to swim around in. It is OK in an absolute emergency. Bettas only live 2 years you imagine yourself in that net all your life.

I know from your postings you would be really upset if your betta died so do the right thing and try to find him a new home or you get him one. If you read one of the threads it is all about cheap tanks and there are some really good ideas on that. Let me know what you think

Good Luck!
Hey Cliffy,

Just from checking out your website... and looking at your signature file on tff, it's obvious that you are a smart and caring individual. Please listen to the advice that everyone is giving you. We're not trying to judge you. We just want what's best for your fish. For those of you who haven't checked out his website, there is a link below:

Cliffy Association~
One Goal; One Passion-->Providing Today's Encouragement

If you ever fall down, borrow my wings and spread them like you always will~

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