Mi Poor Betta

Mine wouldnt eat to start with but I got some live food and put a couple in and after a bit they got hang of it. one of my bettas is very greedy but the other is very selective and choosy.
Cliffy just so you know you should listen to many of the people on this forum almost right away. Not to sound rude but you asked for help and they told you right away. You need to get that male out of there and you need to add more females. Yes your fish can eat tropical flakes, my betta does. You need to get a working heater (do you have one, I wasnt sure if you mentioned this?) Check your water stats and post them, tell what your temp is right now, hopefully you have some caves/decorations or something that the bettas can hide in if they feel stressed. Horizontal bars on a betta means it is completely stressed out.

So first of all
1) Seperate male into a tank of his own OR get a divider for your tank.

2) Get more females.

3) Purchase tropical flakes and see if your bettas take to them. You could always try betta pellets/live or froze bloodworms. Ive had mine eat bloodworms brineshrimp pellets and flakes.

4) Heater-post your temperature

5) Water stats

6) Decorations/caves?

let us know how your bettas are doing too.
ummmm, geezzz...
one of mi females somehow got into the filter and died (and the tail got cut off) :sad: :no: so..yeahhh (it died monday and i had to poke it out of the filter, it was really cruel, ...i made me late for school, AHHHHHHHHH, it was rainbow too!). i seperated the male and the female, i put the female in a net sorta thing...i do'nt know how much my water temp is but it's heatin gup now, nevermind then.

I feed them pellets...and the male eats like 3-6 pellets a day and my female...like i dun't see her eat...whenever i feed her, i put her net by ze heater so she can get the maximum...yeah...buuttt, her stress signals are still tehre and i added the slime coating hting, how long do you think it will take to make her nonstressed (lol)

annnyywaayyyyysssssss, i'm getting more female bettas to acompany mi femlae rite now (prob some sat and some sun, so mi dad won't get suspicious, he's so cheap...)

B) so i guess...yeahhhhhhhh, there's still some answers i need :D thanks :)

ummmmmm, ohhhh, i have one decoration plant, my parents wouldn't buy them, so i'm buying some hopefully this weekend cuz ihave shcool :)

i'm getting mi braces off tmmrr (AHHHH< OMGGGG< I got soo badd in mi exams...haha) yes, i'm really random

I do'nt know how to check mi water temp, i set the heater to 87 (why don't heaters ever come with celcius rating, geez) , it's warming up now.... ummmmm, the place where i go, big al's, i dun't think they give free water tests results...anndd yeahhhh..
You just can't keep a betta in a net. You need to get another tank for the male, and then add more females. Shes probably not eating plus really stressed do to the fact that shes in a net? And she most likely will not become unstressed until she has a tank where its not a net and there are no males
You just can't keep a betta in a net. You need to get another tank for the male, and then add more females. Shes probably not eating plus really stressed do to the fact that shes in a net? And she most likely will not become unstressed until she has a tank where its not a net and there are no males

umm, the male cna't see the female...goosshhshhhh, and why can't it be in a NET?
it's like you being shut in a cupboard, you wouldn't like that much either.

87 is too high for bettas. best between 75-80 degrees ok?
get a thermometer for your tank, one of the ones you stick on the outside of the glass will do fine, its only a couple of £.

you really got to take this more seriously than you have been.
these are little lives and they will get stressed, depressed, and die easily.
they're delicate creatures.
it's like you being shut in a cupboard, you wouldn't like that much either.

87 is too high for bettas. best between 75-80 degrees ok?
get a thermometer for your tank, one of the ones you stick on the outside of the glass will do fine, its only a couple of £.

you really got to take this more seriously than you have been.
these are little lives and they will get stressed, depressed, and die easily.
they're delicate creatures.

ummm, the net is way bigger then the bowl it came in, it's sorta like a breeding net...u know? i meant, it is a breeding net...ha...

annddddddddd, still,one side of the tank is colder then the other, and the water temp seems really really cold to me...my heater turns off when the area it's in turns to 87 degrees but the other part of the tank isn't warm enough and the male betta is always swimming by the heater....
i'll try to find a picture

it's like you being shut in a cupboard, you wouldn't like that much either.

87 is too high for bettas. best between 75-80 degrees ok?
get a thermometer for your tank, one of the ones you stick on the outside of the glass will do fine, its only a couple of £.

you really got to take this more seriously than you have been.
these are little lives and they will get stressed, depressed, and die easily.
they're delicate creatures.

ummm, the net is way bigger then the bowl it came in, it's sorta like a breeding net...u know? i meant, it is a breeding net...ha...

annddddddddd, still,one side of the tank is colder then the other, and the water temp seems really really cold to me...my heater turns off when the area it's in turns to 87 degrees but the other part of the tank isn't warm enough and the male betta is always swimming by the heater....
i'll try to find a picture


:), that's the image url, well, it's kinda small but yeahhhh, no wait, hodl on, try this one:

Do you still have the filter on? That should help circulate the water and make sure that the temperature is even throughout the tank.
Do you still have the filter on? That should help circulate the water and make sure that the temperature is even throughout the tank.

yyeeaaah, how come ur never on msn? (johltnbolt...what's ur name anyways, lol)

i do have a filter, but it's by the side so the BETTAS dot'n get pushed by the power filter (yeahh, blah blah blah, i knowwwwwww everythhing) but the net is biigg, is that okay???? ohh, my female only ate one pellet...is that good? and her colour is changing , her ifns became reddd, when they used to be daaarrrk ddarrrk red (or i hitnk it was black)...it's like seethrough red now!! ahhhhh
ok cliffydoggy this is exactly what you need to do:

1. accept that the female in the net is a purely temporary measure.
2. get a new tank for the male AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, a kritter keeper (large or xlarge) a 25 watt heater and a couple of silk plants will do him fine for now, that won't cost much.
3. release your female back into your tank, and get her friends, introduce them very carefully, females are still aggressive.

what is the exact size of your tank again? where is the heater located? what wattage is it? is your filter on all the time? how powerful is too powerful? does it have any way of adjusting the strength?

sticking your finger in the water isn't a valid way of working out the temperature. do you have a thermometer on the tank? is it on the same side as the heater or opposite side of the tank?
ok cliffydoggy this is exactly what you need to do:

1. accept that the female in the net is a purely temporary measure.
2. get a new tank for the male AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, a kritter keeper (large or xlarge) a 25 watt heater and a couple of silk plants will do him fine for now, that won't cost much.
3. release your female back into your tank, and get her friends, introduce them very carefully, females are still aggressive.

what is the exact size of your tank again? where is the heater located? what wattage is it? is your filter on all the time? how powerful is too powerful? does it have any way of adjusting the strength?

sticking your finger in the water isn't a valid way of working out the temperature. do you have a thermometer on the tank? is it on the same side as the heater or opposite side of the tank?

ummmmmmmm okay...
1.i know it's temproary, that's why it is
3. i'm getting new females
4.10 gallon
5.heater located on one side of tank
8. no can't adjust it
9. i know my finger wont' work, gosh, do you think i'm that stupid
10. my BLACK female betta's fins is turning BLUEEEEEEE (right now, her fins are red and i used a flash light and her skin is blue)
11.i do'nt hav ea themometer and i'm getting one (hopefully)
12.should i send in a picture? (mite take quite a while)



waiit, but why is a net worst when ppl put their bettas in a mini little jar and mine's in like a pretty big one...there's trees in it too and i thinks he likes it...ohhh, and my male is making bubbles, is that buublenest or something else?
u know wha ti just htought off...prob not :)

haha, i was thinking what kind of betta i have. What are the usual bettas called sold in pet stores?

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