Methylene Blue Expires?


Oct 5, 2021
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Atlanta, GA, USA
I just bought some methylene blue and noticed that it has an expiration date. This stuff expires? There's no way I'll use all this in a year LOL.

Keep it cold and dark and it lasts longer. I kept my chemicals in an icecream container with a lid on and had it on the bottom shelf in the fridge. Just make sure kids and animals can't get to it.
Sorry for interrupting the thread but I was wondering how Muddy Waters’ Pelvicachromis pulcher fry were doing? Did you have a good survival rate?
No, I can't find any that lived out of 2 batches or clutches, or herds, or whatever LOL. I think eventually they will. I may try on purpose at some point but I'm currently still determined w the Greenfire tetra (Aphyocharax rathbuni) and some CPDs. Thanks for asking, though!
DO NOT spill that stuff on anything ! There isn’t anything that will remove that stain . Clothes , porcelain sinks , the silicone seals in an aquarium , you name it . Whatever you spill this stuff on is marked for life .

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