Mentoring For Newbies

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I volunteer, what do I do. Just go into the newbie forum and say to everyone who joins "Hi welcome to TFF, If you have any trouble navigating the forum or if you have any questions feel free to private message me anytime."

I'm no fish expert but I've been around long enough to know how TFF generally works and I can answer the basic questions that pop up time and time again.
Cheffi, rather than sitting here griping, why don't you put it into practice? Get some people together, call yourselves unofficial greeters, and just do it. You don't need a separate sub-forum, you don't need anybody's permission to PM a new member, just get your group together and look at the 'members' link at the top, sort it by "Join Date", and start doing something rather than comlpaining how nothing ever changes. It is easy to complain, much more meaningful if you go ahead and do something. If it gets a bunch of good feedback, maybe then official greeters will be put in place, but there is nothing stopping you right now.

I find your post accusing and a personal dig at me. This was a suggestion not a gripe. After all I'm not a newbie any more I don't need to gripe. I know where to get the information I need and I know and have pm'd members who I thought could offer me the best advice.

If you go to the pinned topics in the beginners section on Members willing to donate filter media you will see that I am an activist, I started that idea and it was well supported by members here in the UK and abroad. I watch the thread and edit it with new donors when necessary. To say I am griping when offering an opinion is rude to the extreme.

There is no way I have any intention of starting a buddying group without the agreement of the mods, or spending time and effort on something that won't be carried on or could be stopped at any time, but thanks to all those who expressed a positive attitude to the idea and offered their help. :)
why don't you PM a mod and ask if you can start a buddy group as a trial thing. Give them lot's of details so they know exactly what we are going to be doing. Design a basic introduction script and outline our responsibilities. Tell the mods why you think this is neccessary or atleast a move in the right direction. Find a specific problem that could be addressed by a mentoring group and outline how we could go about addressing it. I don't really know if this is a good idea or not but I think it's something worth trying. (Especially considering all the "TFF aint so friendly no more" threads that have been popping up.") I think this could go a long way towards making tff friendly once more. (personally I think it hasn't changed but the prevailing opinion doesn't seem to agree with me)

If they decide they don't like the direction it's taking they can put a stop to it. If they do then they can actually publicly sanction it.
why don't you PM a mod and ask if you can start a buddy group as a trial thing. Give them lot's of details so they know exactly what we are going to be doing. Design a basic introduction script and outline our responsibilities. Tell the mods why you think this is neccessary or atleast a move in the right direction. Find a specific problem that could be addressed by a mentoring group and outline how we could go about addressing it. I don't really know if this is a good idea or not but I think it's something worth trying. (Especially considering all the "TFF aint so friendly no more" threads that have been popping up.") I think this could go a long way towards making tff friendly once more. (personally I think it hasn't changed but the prevailing opinion doesn't seem to agree with me)

If they decide they don't like the direction it's taking they can put a stop to it. If they do then they can actually publicly sanction it.

Thanks for your input, most helpful. I have put the plan into action. :D
I would support something like this, not to take any credit at all but this is basically the kind of idea I was hoping for as a result of my other thread "Stop the Flaming". Not a set of rules or punishments but more a list of suggestions for creating a more friendly atmosphere for some of the members who have lets say, "tarnished" thier reputations on this forum.

I think it's a great idea Cheffi and perhaps from Bignoses response you get an idea of the type of "flaming" I was referring to, maybe not flaming by the definitions of some of most members but needless all the same. I just seek a way for people to be less inclined to be inflamitory with others and this is an excellent way to help that idea along


I would support something like this, not to take any credit at all but this is basically the kind of idea I was hoping for as a result of my other thread "Stop the Flaming". Not a set of rules or punishments but more a list of suggestions for creating a more friendly atmosphere for some of the members who have lets say, "tarnished" thier reputations on this forum.

I think it's a great idea Cheffi and perhaps from Bignoses response you get an idea of the type of "flaming" I was referring to, maybe not flaming by the definitions of some of most members but needless all the same. I just seek a way for people to be less inclined to be inflamitory with others and this is an excellent way to help that idea along



Thank you it seems that there would be quite a bit of support from a plentiful supply of members. I have put the wheels into motion and will be posting a thread for volunteers once I've done my script so shall count on you as one of the first volunteers. :good:
Our Cheffi is a good organizer. I'm sure it will work for many.

Me? I skip right passed intro. Got too many questions to wear my old eyes out with one pin after another--to my shame. I owe a lot to the ones that saw a post and answered. Then I clicked with a couple of people, and they kept an eye on me. Eventually I will get around to reading all the pins.

Let me add that my experience with the search engine is :shout: I just spent time trying to find a thread of wuvmybetta's on her wilds tanks in order to answer a newer member's question. I know it's there. I read it at the time. I couldn't find it before I gave up.

If I see someone's thread going unanswered, I will post, even if I don't know the answer or don't think I'm the best to answer it.

Oops, this sounds like griping. :blush: But, I have found some pinned threads to be lengthy w/o offering the answers I'm looking for, and the search engine to be unyielding.

Some are just going to be the dive in and get wet type, like me. They will completely ignore the welcome wagon, but will be grateful for the welcomer who finds them.
Our Cheffi is a good organizer. I'm sure it will work for many.

Me? I skip right passed intro. Got too many questions to wear my old eyes out with one pin after another--to my shame. I owe a lot to the ones that saw a post and answered. Then I clicked with a couple of people, and they kept an eye on me. Eventually I will get around to reading all the pins.

Let me add that my experience with the search engine is :shout: I just spent time trying to find a thread of wuvmybetta's on her wilds tanks in order to answer a newer member's question. I know it's there. I read it at the time. I couldn't find it before I gave up.

If I see someone's thread going unanswered, I will post, even if I don't know the answer or don't think I'm the best to answer it.

Oops, this sounds like griping. :blush: But, I have found some pinned threads to be lengthy w/o offering the answers I'm looking for, and the search engine to be unyielding.

Some are just going to be the dive in and get wet type, like me. They will completely ignore the welcome wagon, but will be grateful for the welcomer who finds them.

Having followed a number of your posts I can see exactly where you are coming from :) I think the buddying idea will work far better for people with no or hardly any fish experience and little or no computer forum experience.
I have also found the search engine on here difficult to use as it always throws up far too much stuff that is irrelevent. Having been here a while now I have discovered ways and means of getting the info I require and that can be passed onto newbies who might get frustrated when they can't find info like yesterday. ;)

If you want to find the wuvmybetta's post go to top right right profile members posts then you should find it :good:
I used the "My Assistant". Still had to go back over a year to find something that would work. Used a Synirr post instead.
There are a few articles missing which might help new members:

"How to set up a new tank" - This would include considerations as to size/filtration/substrate/heaters etc as well as cycling - with a link to the fishless cycling topic, it could then link to the other FAQs - choosing fish, newbie no-nos etc. It would be good if it could include a generic 'shopping list' of everything the newbie needs to start out.

"Routine Care for your fish tank" - This could be fairly brief but would basically cover everything you need to do to help keep your fish healthy.

Many newbies wont bother to read the pinned articles but a lot will, and at least it will help for them.

I think one of the main difficulties is that people buy the tank and the fish and then come here to find out that they have 'done it all wrong', maybe another topic should be 'so you've got fish now what...' which covers the ideas behind looking after a new tank, keeping an eye out for New Tank Syndrome, test kits etc.

Anyway just my 2 cents.
More like a dollars worth.... :) well done, points noted. I'm in discussion atm with a mod and if the group is agreed I will be posting for volunteer buddies and like ideas from all of you as to what would be good newbie articles, and any other idea's.
I think a majorly helpful pin would be a REALLY organized desease pin with only articles by the pros (no "one time my fish got ...and it was because I change my water too much" advice." Wilder, Random Witker, Inchworm, wuv, well really too many to list, giving the med and non med options. I guess I'm dreaming :/
there was once a discussion about having a tff "lecture/Q&A" in the chatroom. I wonder if someone wrote up a list or went through the emergency section and compiled a list of symptoms that people have experienced...such as my fish's scales were pokin out kinda funny and his gills looked inflamed...or My fish won't stop spinning and I see these little white dots all over it and it looks kinda yellowy too, oh and there is something funnylookin stickin outta it's butt. and then sent the list to a mod along with a request that a forum debate be held in the chat room to decide (or at the very least debate) the general consensus on diagnosis and treatment of symptoms. Next someone could compile the data aquired from the chatlog into a single comprehensive "So your fish is acting funny" pinned topic.

Now that's dreamin =)
Oh, I thought for sure you were volunteering. Sounds like it just might work--or start a war! 8)
I'd just like to add my opinion, as a newcomer (recently) and someone who is also just learning about Marine, so the 'newbie' feeling is fresh in my mind.

Firstly, when people come here, there are alot of people who jump on them, because I'd bet 80% of them are already doing something wrong with their fish. They (we) know no better, trusting pet stores etc and then we decide to look more into the hobby and woah!

Secondly, when I decided to start researching Marine, I went to the pinned topics, and what happens is... you start reading a sentence, and then you come across something you have no clue about... and you think, ok... lets just keep reading... but then something else, and something else.. until you're reading, and reading, and nothing makes sense. It makes sense to the writer, because they know what they're talking about. SO... you go off and you make a post in your words, hoping someone will answer your question without all the overwhelming confusing mass of info. About 3 weeks ago, I began reading Matthew's thread on starting a marine tank... and afterwards I told my hubby there was no way in hell I was even going to attempt it, far far far too complicated!! Now, 3 weeks of constant research, I sat and told my mum yesterday all about how to set up a marine tank, and I knew (to a point) what I was talking about... Matthew's thread NOW makes sense, but not because of the info in this forum.... more because I searched google for things I ddin't understand and made posts asking questions to fill in the gaps. Because no matter how much someone reads, there are ALWAYS GAPS.

I believe the pinned topics should be there, they are fantastic, but I don't think anyone should get annoyed if a newbie chooses to post a question instead of searching through the topics.

This is a forum, I know I am echoing stuff already said, but forums are for people to post and help... no? You don't have to help people, you don't have to go into the beginners section, or answer repetitive posts... because someone who wants to help will. (Thank God)

I think mentors would be a SUPERB idea, I have first dibs on Chac so I know I'll be ok. ;) But joking aside, it would be great to have someone you know wants to help you, who you can just ask all those silly questions to. Please try to remember, to people just starting out, the whole fishkeeping thing, water stats, stocking, compatibility etc is VERY CONFUSING... just try to think of it like this..... if they are here, they WANT to do it better, so give people a chance!
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