I'd just like to add my opinion, as a newcomer (recently) and someone who is also just learning about Marine, so the 'newbie' feeling is fresh in my mind.
Firstly, when people come here, there are alot of people who jump on them, because I'd bet 80% of them are already doing something wrong with their fish. They (we) know no better, trusting pet stores etc and then we decide to look more into the hobby and woah!
Secondly, when I decided to start researching Marine, I went to the pinned topics, and what happens is... you start reading a sentence, and then you come across something you have no clue about... and you think, ok... lets just keep reading... but then something else, and something else.. until you're reading, and reading, and nothing makes sense. It makes sense to the writer, because they know what they're talking about. SO... you go off and you make a post in your words, hoping someone will answer your question without all the overwhelming confusing mass of info. About 3 weeks ago, I began reading Matthew's thread on starting a marine tank... and afterwards I told my hubby there was no way in hell I was even going to attempt it, far far far too complicated!! Now, 3 weeks of constant research, I sat and told my mum yesterday all about how to set up a marine tank, and I knew (to a point) what I was talking about... Matthew's thread NOW makes sense, but not because of the info in this forum.... more because I searched google for things I ddin't understand and made posts asking questions to fill in the gaps. Because no matter how much someone reads, there are ALWAYS GAPS.
I believe the pinned topics should be there, they are fantastic, but I don't think anyone should get annoyed if a newbie chooses to post a question instead of searching through the topics.
This is a forum, I know I am echoing stuff already said, but forums are for people to post and help... no? You don't have to help people, you don't have to go into the beginners section, or answer repetitive posts... because someone who wants to help will. (Thank God)
I think mentors would be a SUPERB idea, I have first dibs on Chac so I know I'll be ok.
But joking aside, it would be great to have someone you know wants to help you, who you can just ask all those silly questions to. Please try to remember, to people just starting out, the whole fishkeeping thing, water stats, stocking, compatibility etc is VERY CONFUSING... just try to think of it like this..... if they are here, they WANT to do it better, so give people a chance!