Member Gender???

The faces thread died out long ago.

I am such a stunning beauty none of you would read anything I wrote if you could see me. You'd typecast me as a pretty face, well, a magnificent face, and wouldn't consider me intelligent enough to bother with. You know how people are with models. If you were near your tanks, the drooling would pollute the water, so it's best if I keep my face to myself. I know, it's a burden I have to bear, and it's best to carry it alone.

Gender threads are probably part of the culture war problem some people are having. You wouldn't have seen them a few years ago.
Yeeeeeah....definitely not falling for that one 🧐
they do other things in animal costume too
I could be wrong, but don't those costumes cost several grand? I've worn mascot costumes for volunteer events (it was a community service thing to raise money for my show choir, I swear!), and those things are, soaked in sweat and you can barely see hot. I doubt anyone would want to waste their money on something that expensive and then...well, y'know.
I am such a stunning beauty none of you would read anything I wrote if you could see me. You'd typecast me as a pretty face, well, a magnificent face, and wouldn't consider me intelligent enough to bother with. You know how people are with models. If you were near your tanks, the drooling would pollute the water, so it's best if I keep my face to myself. I know, it's a burden I have to bear, and it's best to carry it alone.
You'd do well sending your own photo as an entry of Livebearer of the month... ☝️
But what kind of potato? Couch? Field? Baked? Intellectual?

I don't worry about gender, but potato status is important.

In my younger days I would have said "baked". Now that I'm more seasoned I wouldnt proclaim to be intellectual because the older I get the more I realize just how much I dont know but you know as a potatoe gets older and the extra hair starts growing out of places it didn't used to...

I'd say I'm growing into a fine vodka these days

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