_groove_ said:
...According to the back of the Bettafix bottle I got at Big Al's last week, "...repeat dose daily for up to 7 days before making a water change" ... is this insane???
Hi _groove_
Personally, I think you are right.

I would never follow these directions and I never advise anyone else to do it either.
One of the most important things when treating fish with bacterial infections is to keep the water clean and fresh. Water changes are essential. So is keeping the temperature low (no higher than 75 F.) and having good aeration. MelaFix is nothing more than a mild anti bacterial agent and, while it might sometimes do the job, it is not a magic cure all. If used in strong concentrations it can burn a fish and so do more harm than good.
Usually, I recommend that people use it for a few days and if it doesn't help, switch to an antibiotic or other preparation made to treat bacterial infections. There is, however, another treatment that I have found to be effective used in combination with MelaFix. That is plain old fashioned salt baths.
By this I do not mean putting salt in the water and leaving it there. I mean using concentrated salt baths for short periods of time. To do this, I use 1 tsp of salt dissolved in one cup of tank water. Put the fish in for 10 to 15 minutes and return to the tank that has had MelaFix added. You can do this up to 4 or 5 times a day if necessary. If the fish looses consciousness and rolls over, return it to the tank immediately.
What happens is that the salt eats away the bacteria and when it is returned to the treated tank, the MelaFix slows its growth and allows the fish to begin healing.
I've used this treatment with both corys and bettas, and I assure you, it does work.