MelaFix vs. BettaFix

If you have a lot of bettas and want to save even more money, buy pond or 'professional strength' Melafix. This is the same as normal Melafix but 5 times stronger but usually only a little more expensive. It's therefore 25 times stronger than Bettafix, ie 1 8oz bottle of pond Melafix (cost $6.20) is the same as 5 8oz bottles of Melafix (total cost $21.70) is the same as 25 8oz bottles of Bettafix (total cost $278). Eek - even I'm surprised at working that out!! all prices taken from

Betta fix simply doesnt work at all
I used it on my male as the vet said it would clear up the problem and my Boy DIED he was gorgous too 6 inches long (regular betta not giant betta) Long fins bubble nests he was blue with a slight red wash though miss him he was great.

Moral of this is DO NOT use betta fix thinking that it will fix the betta it wont
Betta fix simply doesnt work at all
I used it on my male as the vet said it would clear up the problem and my Boy DIED he was gorgous too 6 inches long (regular betta not giant betta) Long fins bubble nests he was blue with a slight red wash though miss him he was great.

Moral of this is DO NOT use betta fix thinking that it will fix the betta it wont

It doesn't work for everything, but it works in some circumstances.

I'm sorry for your loss, but that's like saying bypass surgery is not a life-saver because you know someone who died while it was happening. It's tragic, but not indicative that a treatment is worthless.
I dont use bettafix, i just use melafix and reduce the dosage, normally by 50% and my bettas are fine with that.

Additionally, Tea Tree oil was also used in WWI and WWII by our troops to prevent foot rot caused by walking in deep water in the trenches :)
I think may Betta may have fin rot. A few pieces of his tail is torn. I just bought some Bettafix last night and used it. He's also in water that contains Attison's Betta SPA, that has some kind of almond leaf extract I used to condition the water.

Should I be using the Bettafix with the Pimafix then? And are those safe to use with the Betta SPA?
I bought a new betta last saturday and I think he suffered some kind of stress on the way home. I put him in a 7 gallon tank with natural plants, filtration, driftwood... Anyway, the tank seemed perfect to me until 1 day later he started developing some white spots that seemed to be coming from underneath the scales which just increased on the next day, he stopped eating and a piece of his fin tore apart maybe because he was trying to sctratch himself. I was in disbelief that my gorgeous new buddy was sick. I took him out of the tank and put him in the bowl he came in and got Bettafix. The first day he looked terrible, second day he looked even worse, now this is the third day and he has started eating, his bright colors are back and the cottony slime and the pointed scales are almost gone. I will continue the treatment for some extra days just to make sure. I would like to say that I have been changing the water of his small bowl twice a day and dropping 2-3 drops of Bettafix in every water change. I really thought Bettafix wouldn't help and my little friend would be gone but it does seem to help. Maybe it was just stress and not a very agressive infection. Anyway I'd like to share my experience.

Put in the tank for the first time.

Day 1 in the tank.

Day 2 out of the tank in "hospital bowl" with Bettafix.

After 5 days of Bettafix he's back to the tank!

P.S. I got a 25W Visi-Therm Stealth heater that keeps the water around 75F. He seems to be very happy with that. Almost hyper-active now!
I used pimafix in my tank a few months ago in a battle with dropsy. Almost all of my fish had dropsy and were fading fast. I used it for 7 days and though it made my tank cloudy for a few days all of my fish are back to normal no more ulcers nothing. I am a believer.
Great post :D :D Just a tip-if you're treating a fish with melafix or bettafix, make sure your pet doesn't drink fro the tank-you'll have to clean up some pet puke :sick: . I'm currently treating my betta with bettafix, but if someone had told me they were the same earlier-I'd have used my melafix.
Why would the manufacturer put the wrong directions on their bottles? My friend's betta had torn his fins somehow, and so she put him in her hospital tank and dosed him up like the bottle said, not changing the water until day eight, when she did a 25% water change, and her betta's doing much better now. Personally, I'd rather do what the bottle tells me to. Anyone have any specific reason why we shouldn't follow them?

One reason I think you're supposed to dose them up once a day for seven days before making any water changes is that substrate and plants in the tank absorb the medication as well as the fish, so it's not like you've got this constant buildup of medicine. That would be like saying it's bad to take a dose of Tylenol once a day for seven days. It works through the fish's system.

Unless I just don't know what I'm talking about, which is a possibility. :blush:
Is it normal for the water's surface to get bubbly and white around the edges when using Bettafix? I just cleaned the ENTIRE tank, changed gravel, removed all decor and my betta is really not a fan of this. He's hugging the corner of the tank near the surface (though he may just be avoiding the filter current since the fake plants aren't there to buffer it). I hope its not the medicine. Is it true that the water should be kept somewhat cool when they're sick?

He had fin rot and it got pretty bad because I tried to find someone who would take him before I shelled out money for medicine. He's my first fish and I'm a little financially challenged.
Here is some information i have stumbled across in my own reading up into Melafix, especially useful if you are making your own brew

This was stated by a qualified aromotherapist on another site i found (whether he is qualified etc, i don't know).

The essential oil in melafix is cajuput NOT Tea tree. Botanically cajuput is Melaleuca cajuputi, also known as Melaleuca leucadendron. Tea tree is Melaleuca alternifolia
Contrary to popular opinion it is not made from the common Tea tree Melaleuca alternifolia but from Cajuput which is Melaleuca cajeputi or Melaleuca leucadendra. This is confirmed by the manufacturer's Safety Data Sheet taken quote from wikipedia

Whats the difference? Chemically cajuput is about 40% 1,8 cineole. Tea tree is about 45% terpinen-4-ol. Cajuput is more closely related chemically to eucalyptus! Eucalyptus globulus, probably the most common eucalypt used in aromatherapy is about 65% 1,8 cineole.

Both cajuput and tea tree are antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial and more. I have used tea tree in my tank to good effect. Cajuput is chemically gentler and probably the better of the two. There have been cases of humans being poisoned by drinking tea tree, lol cant understand why you would want to drink it.

There are no claims to my knowledge that tea tree or cajuput will cure ick. Having said that I treat ick with salt and temperature as has been recommended here. Huge thanks for that info :) I add 1% solution of cajuput at 5ml per 40 litres as recommended by melafix. My opinion is that helps heal the wounds caused by ich and helps restore the fishes slime coat. It may kill ick as well I really dont know. It certainly helps the fish.

As has been stated here as well, buy your essential oils from a reputable dealer. Be very careful of supermarket versions, they are often diluted and contaminated. Thursday Island tea tree is ok, although a little rough. Far better to purchase pure essential oils.

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