Melafix experience


New Member
Dec 27, 2003
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hello i'm just curious to see how many people have had any success with using melafix?

I'm currently using it to treat a betta suffering from sevre fin rot. I'm on day 2 right now of the treatment and am seeing no results yet, but more tears in the fins have occured. I would have to say my betta has suffered a loss of at least 1/2 inch of its tail fin.
One of my bettas was severely torn up. I used the melafix and he is much better. He showed improvement after about a week. Although, I have since read that it is bad for bettas. Alot of the betta people use silver or plain ol' aquarium salt.
I have used it in many cases. One was when the entire bottom half on my long-finned danio's tail was completely gone. Started to grow back within days. I've also used it on my bettas to much success, though I couldn't tell ya if it's that or the frequent water changes I do to help regrowth. I also do add salt.
I love the stuff!!! I have cured all kinds of things with it, but it will take a few days before you see results!

Melafix is great stuff. It's natural and helps with healing, infection and other problems.

If the finrot is only getting worse then melafix isn't going to cut it, you are going to need something medical. I can't tell you what medication to purchase since I haven't had to deal with thta probem, but if you post in emergencies you should be able to get some ideas.
I found Melafix to be a great med, I used to use it on fancy goldfish and then on tropicals, and in both cases I found it to be mild on the fish and yet gave pretty consistent results. The stuff makes your tank stink though!

I only use it for fin damage though, and I find plenty od good clean water changes is just as good and only takes slightly longer.

I only use it for fin damage though, and I find plenty od good clean water changes is just as good and only takes slightly longer

Actually, even for fin damage I just do extra water changes, I only use treatment with actual body abrasions, which is quite rare anyway.
Question. They say you should wait seven days before doing water changes. Is it allright do to water changes during treatment? or is it more effective and appropiate to do water changes as directed?

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