Melafix And Torn Fins.

ok the pictus is gone and doing well in the LPS which he was donated to. Does more salt create better results for torn or damadged fins? I heard it keeps bacteria away and instantly kills it.
Well if you want to adjust your salt level to the same as Wilder reccomended above (1 tablespoon per 5 gallons), 1 tablespoon is equivalent to 3 teaspoons. About 14grams of salt per 5 gallons.
Make sure you use uncontaminated salt tho. Aquarium salt or Cooking salt are fine, not table salt tho. Table salt has additives that may cause problems.

I'm not sure how useful salt is against bacterial infections. It helps with fungal infections a lot tho. Still as long as you're getting results and your fish are happy it's all good :)
I had read that table salt was fine for the little buggers. And yes I'm seeing amazing results. The bug huge gash in Mystic's tail is healing backup faster than oyucan say,"...........ummmmmmmmm............uhhhhhhhh...........derrrrrrrr......" :p I'm not going to add anymore salt but continue to use a medicine I bought them. :) Thanks...
Well, the damaged part of Rocket's fin finally fell off a day or so back. This is day 5 of his treatment, I tried getting a picture, even got him to flare for a minute, but it's not great.

As you can see he's looking a lot better. There is one little pinhole and his tail is a bit shorter at the top but it will grow back I think. Tomorrow I will do a large water change in his isolation tank to clear the meds and give him a break. Sorry the focus ain't great but I can't set the phone to macro mode when I have "best pic" enabled, and getting a bunch of pics at once seemed easier than trying to get him to flare and take the pic at the same time, lol.

I'll keep him in isolation for another week, and once I'm happy he's recovering I'll move him back to the main tank. I'm going to plant up the cube too, so it will be there as backup if I need to move him back out.
I wouldn't stop the meds now carry on, I would do another round of med.
The med specifically states give a 48 hour gap between treatment cycles. So I'll do the water change and stuff tomorrow, then perhaps again on Saturday. Start a new round on sunday, how does that sound ?
Yes thats fine that what I do.
Best to go in again to clear it up fully.
Good luck.
Ok started round 2 of the Myxazin treatment yesterday. I've noticed some minor regrowth starting on his tail, and the pinhole is gone now as you can see.

He's well on the path to recovery :)
Bless him thats good news. :good:

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